The Truth Comes Out

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I waited patiently outside of Steven's door, playing with the end of my shirt. I was excited to go explore with him, especially since this is our new home. To be honest, I was starting to get a little homesick. Sure, I'm very grateful The Diamonds brought us here and told us the truth about who our moms really were, but i'm not so sure if I want to be some diamond ruler. I'm not really sure how I feel about the diamonds as it is. If i'm being honest, they kinda freak me out.

Steven opened the door and walked out, still pulling his pink jacket on over his black star t-shirt. He adjusted the sleeves and I caught a glimpse of a wrist watch. I didn't think of him as a wrist watch guy but to each their own. I guess I didn't realize I was starring, but he did. He laughed and held out his arm. "Ready m'lady?" I giggled as I took his arm. "What a gentleman."

We walked down the long, cold halls while chatting, just making small talk. "Do you know where we are?" I questioned once I realized that we had passed the same dressing room 3 times already. Steven stopped in his tracks and looked around. "I have no idea." He gave me a blank expression before we burst out in laughter.

"Maybe we should just head back to my room to hang out." I suggested. I noticed him glance down at his watch before answering "Nah. Let's head to the garden!" My whole mood changed "THERE'S A GARDEN?!" He nodded before grabbing my arm and running down the long halls.

~Time skip brought to you by me finally finishing you~

We had been wandering the halls for at least an hour now and my feet were starting to hurt from all the walking. "Steven I think we should just give up and head back." He glanced around his watch again with a nervous expression. "No! No let's keep looking!" He started speed walking down the hall as I groaned, dragging my feet behind him. He was pretty far ahead when he turned around to see I wasn't right behind him anymore.

He groaned, sounding frustrated, and checked his watch again before running back and grabbing my arm, starting to speed walk again. "Wow! Why do you want to find this garden so bad?" He kept his eyes forward "Just.. need fresh air."

I agreed with him, we've been stuck in this place for a while now without being able to go outside. But why was he in such a hurry? "Don't worry we've got plenty of time." I yelped as we made a sharp turn down another hall. He checked his watch again.

"What is with him and that watch?"

Steven's POV

I kept running and didn't stop, even when y/n asked to stop and catch their breath. We needed to get to the garden so we could jump the fence and get into town so the others can get us. Right now it's 12 pm, which means we have about 2 hours, which honestly wasn't a lot. I knew we couldn't just waltz out the front door, someone would see us leaving and tell the diamonds. Then i'd be all over and we'd never get out of here.

We turned another sharp corner and rammed into someone, knocking us both to the floor. I rubbed my head as y/n groaned from under me, and I realized I had landed on top of them. "S-sorry!" I quickly stood up and pulled them up too. I turned to apologize to whoever we ran into and saw that it was Peal! Well not Pearl Pearl, my Pearl. And by my Pearl I mean Pink Pearl. So not really my Pearl but my moms Pearl? But then again she doesn't belong to-

"We're really sorry Pearl. Are you alright?" Y/n asked her while I brought myself back to Earth. Well not back to Earth because we're still in space but-

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