[ 11 ]

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[ minho pov ]

"ugh," i groaned as i fell flat on the bed.

"what's wrong hyung?" jeongin, my roommate asked. he turned around away from his computer, facing me. i pushed himself up into a sitting position, and said, "nothing... it's just... this boy i met in school, i've been hanging out with him a lot recently."

"what's wrong with that?" jeongin asked after i came to a pause.

"he's so cute, but i only met him for a few days and-" i said, frustrated. however, jeongin smiled and cut me off, "do you like him?"

i looked up at jeongin and widened my eyes.

"what?" i said.

"i was just asking, no need to be so surprised," jeongin chuckled. "well, it's alright if you don't know about it now, just think about it, you'll get there soon." i nodded and started thinking about what jeongin said.

deep in my thoughts, a short vibration from my front pocket interrupted me. i took out his phone, only to see an unknown number.

minho's phone

this is jisung

oh hey qt
hold on let me save your number

only realising what i called him after i sent the text, my cheeks grew red. i shrugged it off, as i saved his number. as i came upon the word 'name' on my phone that laid above his number, i thought for a while.

im done

hello again
did you get home safely?

noticing jisung's concern as his innocence was coming off even from texting, i smiled to myself.

"why are you being so cute jisung?" i thought to myself, before replying jisung.

yes i did
dont worry qt

then, i realised what i sent again.

glad to hear, mine hyung

surprised at what he called me, i widened my eyes, my heart having a race on its own.


but then, i received no reply. i smiled to myself wider, before telling jeongin, "i'll go make dinner."


as i walked into school, 15 minutes earlier than usual, i saw jisung walking forwards in front of me through the school gate as well. i jogged towards him and ruffled his hair softly.

"jisung! hey pretty," i said, before widening my eyes at what just came out of my mouth. jisung, who seemed to realise what he heard, looked down as his face started turning red. he tried not to show his smile, but it was clearly fixated on his perfect face.

"what's up with you today?" jisung signed. i shrugged my shoulders, and then grabbed his hands, "let's go, before other students come."

we walked into the building together, coming face-to-face with the wall of lockers. i walked towards mine as he did so a few lockers away from me. i took out the necessary books and walked towards him

"so your hyung, huh?" i said, teasing him as i remembered about our conversation yesterday, leaning against the locker to rest my back.

"i meant to say minho... it autocorrected to mine," jisung signed. i chuckled, smiling softly at jisung. i returned to a standing position and ruffled his hair as he closed his locker with books in one hand. we walked together and climbed up the staircase, leading to the next floor. we reached the second level and walked to jisung's classroom.

"we're here, i'll see you later," i said, cheeks hurting from the smiling. jisung nodded and smiled back. i ruffled his hair again, probably for the 10th time since morning, then hesitated to do something.

but, i did.

i balanced my chemistry, math and history books on one hand as i placed my hand at the back of his neck. i pushed it closer towards me, placing my lips on his fringe as a forehead kiss.

"bye cutie," i said, and walked away, leaving jisung standing there, most probably surprised. i left, waiting for my heart to slow down, but it never came.

just realised how many mistakes i made yesterday, i'm sorryy. just finished editing, sorry again!

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