[ 27 ]

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[ 3rd person pov ]

"woah, this is so cool," jisung signed, in awe, looking at the large entrance of that typical place for a date.

the arcade.

"it isn't just any arcade, it's one of the biggest here," minho claimed, smiling proudly at himself. jisung nodded in excitement, ecstatic for another experience of the wondrous arcade after his one and only time at one when he was 10.

"let's go, i'll go get the tokens," minho said, holding onto jisung's wrist as the boy stood frozen in the same spot.

they entered the entrance, hand in each other's, as they walked forward to the counter. after signalling for a staff to help with their purchase, they soon received their tokens and were on their way to the first game to play, the race cars.

"i'm going to win," jisung signed playfully, getting settled in the cushioned seats.

"no, i'm going to win, watch me,"minho fired back, as if they were more in a mental play game then car racing.

>>2 hours later

"dang it! shoot them all down jisung! one guy hit me," minho said, putting his gun down in defeat as the two were playing in an intense game of zombie fighting.

"yes! good job princess," minho praised, ruffling jisung's hair after he rose their team to success and won the game, with no reward in return though.

"i think we've played all the games," jisung signed, looking around to see what games they haven't played with yet.

"i think that's all, the token's out too. let's go eat, it's turning... six soon," minho said, looking at his phone to check the time. jisung signed in reply, "alright, can we go somewhere quiet? the arcade is making me lose my hearing."

"yeah, i'd like that," minho said, smiling. so, the two left the place after two hours of playing arcade games, going down the escalators as they agreed to eat at a small cafe down the street.

they chattered, smiled and laughed as if it were the best day of their lives, not caring about the rest of the world, as if they were the last two human beings left living on their own in the world.

"gosh, i'm starving, what do you want to eat? i'll order for you," minho said, leading jisung to a table as they opened the doors to the subtle but vibrant atmosphere of the cafe. they flipped through the menu, choosing from the great variety of meals and dishes. jisung pointed to the the fish and chips at the bottom of the menu, then slid his finger to the extreme right to choose his drink. minho nodded, and stood up to order their food.

a few minutes later, he came back with a tray in his hands with the drinks they ordered on top.

"here princess, ice lemon tea for you," minho said as he placed the tall cup in front of jisung.

"thank you. what are we going to do after this?" jisung asked, signing his words as he smiled at the boy in front of him.

"i'm not sure, the sun sets pretty fast in korea, we could look at the stars and just chill," minho said, hiding his worry that jisung would find it too boring. however, jisung loved that idea, nodding in excitement.

their meal came as the waitress set down their food on their table, "you guys are cute, are you guys dating?" the waitress asked in curiosity.

"yes, this my boyfriend," minho said proudly, smiling at jisung as he said so.

"wish you guys the best in your relationship, enjoy your meal!" she said as she set down their utensils and left.

jisung looked down in embarrassment, hiding his red face, as he silently thanked for the dim lighting in the small cafe. minho only chuckled at jisung's cuteness, placing his utensils on the edge of the plate, letting it rest, "eat up, princess."


"how was the meal? you like that place?" minho asked jisung, as the two held hands, walking down the quiet streets of their neighbourhood. jisung nodded at the question in a reply of "yes", as he used his other arm to hook minho's left arm that he was holding on.

"you cold?" minho asked, placing their held hands in jisung's pocket, not letting go. jisung shook his head in reply, loving the way they held hands and walked, enjoying the atmosphere.

as the two were walking towards the park they just saw near jisung's apartment, minho chuckled, "i never thought this'd be us now."

"what do you mean?" jisung asked, attempting to sign with one hand.

"i'd never thought we'd be here. two of us, on a date, in the late evening, walking hand in hand, together, not as friends, as a boyfriend-boyfriend couple. i don't even know when i started to like you," minho said, laughing as he thought about how they first met, and trying to think of when he started liking the other boy.

"i think it was when you walked me to class, when you gave me a forehead kiss. i think that was when i started to like you," jisung signed, letting go of his hand to sign and putting it back in before minho could take his hand out of jisung's pocket.

"i don't know what overcame me then, but i'm glad i did that, no regrets," minho said, cheeks starting to sore at his big smile.

the two walked into the park that was soon closing without even thinking to, and sat down on a long bench as their legs grew tired. minho laid down on the bench, head resting on jisung's thigh as he looked up at jisung, forming eye contact as jisung looked down. it seemed as if he was looking at a picture, with jisung in focus and the starry night as the background.

jisung caressed minho's face with the back of his fingers for the first time, surprised at his flawless skin, then playing with his soft hair.

"how long d'you think we'd last?" minho asked, saying whatever was on his mind.

"i don't know, but i want us to stay together and last forever and ever and ever," jisung signed.

"then let's do that," minho said. "i love you princess." jisung leaned down, giving a small kiss to minho, then signing, "i love you too."

so two crazy teenaged boys, one that called the other princess, made a promise, that they were going to stay together and last forever and ever and ever.
maybe they'll do that, maybe not.
then let's see, if their love for each other can help them get through whatever life puts them through, so that they can stay together, forever and ever and ever.

and that's a wrap for voiceless!!! thank you readers for everything, for making my day with your funny and sweet comments, for waiting for me if i'm on short hiatus, and for being my motivation to update even though i'm tired or lazy (woops) i really spent a lot of effort and time for this special last chapter for you guys so i hope you like it. until next time (if/when i publish my next book) i'll see you guys again, and i hope you enjoyed voiceless||skz. minsung !!! 💛💛💛

also, i'd like to add on to stay safe guys!!! no one knows when the virus will end or stop but let's all be socially responsible to minimise the possible spread and so it's easier for contact tracing!! stay healthy and stay home and don't panic buy! because what if people really needs those supplies so let's all be a little less selfish and only take what we need!!

also, i'd like to add on to stay safe guys!!! no one knows when the virus will end or stop but let's all be socially responsible to minimise the possible spread and so it's easier for contact tracing!! stay healthy and stay home and don't panic bu...

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voiceless || skz. minsungWhere stories live. Discover now