black lives matter

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hello, i figured that i should do this for my readers by spreading the word here because i thought i could reach a bigger platform.

so, to start of,

black lives matter.

personally, i am not from america, and to be honest, the country i live in is quite far from there. but i think no matter america or not, i think we should all try to do our part by signing petitions, donating to organisations if you can, researching, educating yourself, educating others, sharing information and spreading awareness, because racism is universal.

not just in usa or europe, but i'm sure every country experiences racism, one way or another. please do not simply post blank spaces on instagram or put the hashtag on your instagram stories, without doing anything. educate yourself, research, learn.

this is not blacks vs whites, but everyone vs racists.

i am giving my support for all protesters, please stay safe, wear masks and look out for undercover cops and make sure you don't have anything on you that could identify yourself.

as for people internationally, you can go to the link in my bio, sign the petitions, donate if you can. there are also videos on youtube that you can stream filled with ads in it. revenue from the ads will be donated to blm organisations.
(update ; i'm so sorry i literally forgot to put the link in my bio yesterday, it's already there so please do go check the website, i apologise again)

to all my black readers, i understand that i will never understand, i stand by you.

no lives matter until black lives matter. we are in this together

< some links for petitions, donations and youtube videos to stream >

youtube videos :

petitions/donations :
(if you're not from the us, you don't have to sign those that require zip codes)
(thread of petitions and donations)
(one petition)
(thread of petitions/donations)

this link has a lot of information, petitions, donations, numbers to text and call, information for protesters and other resources :

it is not enough to be quietly non-racist, now it is the time to be vocally anti-racist.

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