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"Luffy stick with us. Don't need you wrecking one of these vendors stands," Sabo told his little brother. The blonde's fingers intertwined with your own, while you curiously glanced at each stand.

Luffy nodded his head to his brother then skipped off to some random vendor.

"Hugh he never listens," Sabo sighed his free hand going up to palm his forehead.

"Eh just let him be, plus this farmer's market is all one line so we can still keep an eye on him." You suggested to your boyfriend as you gave his hand a light squeeze, leading him towards the first vendor. "Now let's see, Thatch's list says to get meat lots of it, some tomatoes, watermelon. And whatever snacks we want."

Sabo picked up some apple inspecting them for bruises. He grabbed ten then paid the man behind the stall. The two of you wondered over to a stall selling watermelons.

You checked over your shoulder to see Luffy at a stall that was selling pies, half of them already in his stomach. The lady selling the pies didn't look none to happy.

"Umm Sabo I don't think Luffy paid for any of those," you tapped him on the shoulder. He looked over to his brother a sigh leaving his lips as he went to go pay for the pies.

You continued looking on the watermelons, deciding to get two of them.

Hopefully this is enough for the brothers.

Sabo came back to your side taking the two giant watermelons from you and putting them in the little wagon he brought with you guys.

"How much did the pies cost you?" You asked as the two of you headed towards a farmer that was selling steaks and ribs.

"Eh I just decided to buy all of them. The lady sure was happy," Sabo pointed out.

"Well you made someone's day." You laughed, you grabbed a few steaks then some more and then just decided to grab most of the meat at the stall.

"And you just made someone's day," Sabo chuckled. The farmer looked pleased with the wad of money you gave him. "Now all we need is some tomatoes."

Getting the tomatoes quickly, two went to check on Luffy. The young ravenette was at the petting zoo feeding some goats. You decided him to leave him be and went exploring the other stalls with Sabo.

After picking up some extra snacks, you two found yourselves at a little table selling craft items. You scanned over the variety of colored glass beads, Sabo was next to you a smile on his face as he watched you excitedly look over everything at the craft table.

You found some copper wire and necklace clasp that would be great for turning the stone you found into a necklace. You planned on giving it to Sabo.

You payed the lady at the stall and intertwined your hand with Sabo's again.

"What's that for?" Sabo asked you trying to peak into your bag.

"It's a surprise ~" You cooed bopping the blondes nose gently. He let out a hum as he gave up on trying to peak, the two of you looked around at the other stalls before going back to the petting zoo to get Luffy.

"Where is he?" Sabo questioned as he glanced over the petting zoo. Luffy was no where to be seen.

"Maybe we passed him," you said. You looked out at the farmers market but didn't see Luffy anywhere.

Please tell me he didn't run into the woods nearby.

You asked the attendant at the petting zoo if he saw where Luffy went. The man told you 'no', causing you to get a little worried.

Sabo went walking down one end of the market while you went to the other. Still you didn't spot the ravenette.  You joined back up with Sabo the blonde looking very concerned.

"Let's go put this stuff in the car so we're not lugging it around with us. Then we go check the woods out," you suggested to the blonde.

"Hugh yeah that sounds good. I'll call Thatch to let him know what's happening. "Sabo sighed out the worry in his voice for his little brother was evident.

And who wouldn't be worried; one time Luffy was missing for two days because he chased after a food truck then couldn't find his way home.

"Don't worry we'll find him," you reassured Sabo. You pressed a kiss to his cheek then went to the car to put away your purchases while he called Thatch.

You popped open the trunk starting to put the food away when you heard a strange noise coming from the back seat. You grabbed the closest thing to you, which was a watermelon, and slowly inched your way to the back door.

You swung the door open, watermelon raised over your head ready to attack. Your movements where halted when you saw it was snoring Luffy in the back seat.

The breath you didn't know you were holding was released from your lungs as you let out an airy chuckle. You put the watermelon back into the trunk and jogged over to Sabo who was at the entrance to the farmers market.

"I found him," you informed the worried blonde. A look of relief washed over his face as he followed you to the car. "I don't how he got in here though.  We locked the doors."

"Wait... is the door handle broken?" Sabo asked as he wiggled the passenger door. The handle fell off. " Thatch is not gonna be happy about this."

Camping with Idiots  (SaboxReader)Where stories live. Discover now