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"Thanks for the early morning wake up call." Ace grumbled as he watched you and Sabo enter the kitchen, the both of you sporting rosy cheeks.

"You do know there are other people here? Some of them want to sleep in too," Thatch yawned while he rubbed at the dark circles under his eyes. The coffee machine on the counter let out a soft beep signalling that the hot beverage is done.

"How much stamina do you have Sabo? It sounded like you two were going at it forever yoi," Marco complained. He went over to the coffee pot, pouring himself a big mug of it. By now your face was hidden in Sabo's chest you were quite embarressed from what the brothers were saying; although you didn't regret what the two of you did.

"What were Sabo and (Y/N) doing? It sounded like they were in pain; where they wrestling with eachother? Can I join next time?" Luffy asked excitedly, next to him Marco spit out a mouthfull of coffee while Ace was laughing his ass off. Thatch looked stunned not sure on what to tell his little innocent brother.

"You have to be an adult to do that!" Sabo blurted out causing Luffy to pout and Ace to laugh even harder if that was even possible. Sabo sat down at the table next to Thatch while you sat next to Sabo. Your little grey fluff ball jumped up onto your lap, putting his front paws onto the table so he could see everyone. Once he spotted the cackling Ace he let out a loud hiss effectively shutting up the freckled brother.

"At least Monster is here to back us up," you giggled as you pet behind the grey cat's ear the little guy letting out content purrs. Ace shot a glare at your cat but as soon as thethey made eye contact, Ace was quick to look away.

Breakfast continued quietly after that; Luffy stuffing himself full of bacon and waffles, Thatch sipping on his coffee while reading the newspaper, Marco wiping the coffee he spit out and pouring himself a new cup, Ace and Monster having a silent staring contest, and you and Sabo holding hands under the table asyou enjoyed your food.

~Time Skip~

"Wow. This place is beautiful~" You said as you stared starry eyed at the maze made out of sunflowers. You had all decided to go to the local corn maze that was advertized in the newspaper Thatch was reading.

Only thing was when you guys got here it turned out to be a sunflower maze. It seems whoever wrote the article didn't understand what the farmer meant by 'a maze made of flowers' and just wrote his own thing.

"I thought it was a bit odd to have a corn maze this time of year," Thatch commented, he held onto Luffy's forearm to stop the energetic teen from racing off into the maze without the rest of you.

An older gentlemen (the one who first greeted you guys when you parked the car) made his way over to your little group. He was holding a makeshift map in his hands and explained that the exit of the maze was next to the barn, where one of his workers would drive you back to the parking lot in a tractor, he also said you guys could check out his cows that were next to the barn.

"How about we make this more interesting, last one out of the maze has to buy everyone lunch." Ace smirked obivously he was sure he would win, plus whoever was left buying food would be a poor man after; the brothers can eat tons of food.

At least Zoro isn't with us.

"I'm game," you agreed to Ace's challenge, the rest of the brothers nodding along with you; Luffy mostly just because he was getting impaitent.

"Okay. On your marks get set... GO!" Ace yelled, all of you sprinting off into the maze. You took a few left turns and couple right turns before you slowed down so you could get an idea of where you were going. you decided you would jump a few times to see if you could see the barn then start heading in that direction.

You spotted the barn to the eft of you, you took the path to the left of you, you would pause every now and then to jump again to make sure you were still going in the right direction.

"So Sabo did you give to (Y/N) good?" Ace yelled from somewhere in the maze.

"Why would I tell you that?" Sabo hollered back at his brother.

"C'mon I'm curious. Did you initiate it or did she?" Ace asked. You were now walking red faced through the maze.

"It's none of your business who started it," Sabo yelled back at his brother.

Yeah Ace it's none of your business.

"Stop talking yoi. I don't want to picture my little brother and his girlfriend having sex," Marco called from a distance. At this point you were considering just staying in this maze so you never had to face anyone again.

"Why are you picturing them having sex? I just want to know if Sabo took her from behind or if (Y/N) rode him." Ace yelled, "that way I can give him pointers on what to do better."

"I don't want your pointers." Sabo growled.

And neither do I.

"C'mon man I know-"

"Ace shut up or I'll beat you to a pulp," you threatend the ravenette.

"I'm not afraid of you," Ace yelled back.

"Then I'll get Monster to shred you to bits."


Nothing. Seems Ace was very afraid of your grey cat, you didn't hear anything after that from any of the brothers. You jumped again and noticed you were very close to the exit of the maze. You took one more turn and were out of the maze, you saw Luffy over by the cows petting them and decided to join him.

"So you're the first one out," you said to Luffy as you pet the snout of a fluffy black cow.

"Shihhihi~ it's really easy when you just plow through the walls of the maze," Luffy pointed towards the maze where you saw the crater he created in the wall of sun flowers. A drop of sweat rolled down your head as you looked at the destruction the youngest brother caused.

Soon after both Marco and Sabo made their way out of the maze and over to the two of you. Sabo wrapped his arm around you, pulling you into a side hug and planted a kiss on your forehead. After a while Thatch joined the four of you, he was slightly out of breath seems he had a hard time finding his way out.

"Now we just got to wait for Ace yoi. That goo was so sure he'd get out of here first," Marco sighed out. A worker came by while you were waiting for the freckled brother and gave you some carrots to feed to the cows. A lot of calves came over to you guys each trying to shove the other out of the way so they could get a treat.

"Yahoo~ I'M the first one out!" Ace yelled as he raced out of the maze, his fist pumping the air. You cleared your throat grabbing Ace's attention, his face paling when he saw all five of you standing there.

"Looks like someone owes us lunch."

Camping with Idiots  (SaboxReader)Where stories live. Discover now