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"So you two are really moving in together?" Ace asked, he sat a safe distance away from you seeing as Monster was glaring at him from your lap.

"Yep." Sabo grinned as he pulled you closer to himself, he planted a kiss a to your lips which you returned. You could here Ace making some fake gagging noises, which you payed no attention to.

"This is sweet yoi. I'm happy for you two," Marco commented he elbowed his freckled brother in the ribs to get him to shut up. "When are you moving in Sabo?"

"After we get back home," Sabo told his brother. You guys had one day left on your camping trip, once you guys got back home Sabo would bring his stuff from pop's house to yours.

"Can we turn Sabo's room into a meat cave?" Luffy questioned his brothers. You stared at the young male quizzically not sure if you heard him right.

Meat cave?

"A what? No, no we won't be doing any such thing," Thatch said causing a frown to sprout across his youngest brother's face. A small chuckle left your lips as you watched Luffy sadly eat his ribs, that is until Thatch put another heaping of ribs onto his plate. You leaned into Sabo's side some more, your head resting in the crook of his neck as you enjoyed his warmth.

"So anything you want to do tomorrow? It is are last day," Sabo whispered into your ear, a tingle ran down your spine as you thought of one idea you'd want to do with him. But decided it'd be best to do that when alone.

"Let's go swimming," you told the blonde. Your eyelids started to grow heavy, going through the maze and eating all that food had made you tired. Eventually you fell asleep to the sound of the brothers chatting with each other and Monster purring soundly.

You woke up some time later in bed, Monster was curled up by your head, you shifted around noticing Sabo wasn't in bed with you. Although you didn't know what time it was, so your lover could still be outside spending time with his brothers. Well that's what you thought until you saw the light shining under the door from the bathroom.

Soon after Sabo walked out of the bathroom in a pair of blue boxers and a towel wrapped around his shoulders, water dripped from the ends of his hair.

"Oh, hey you're awake, might as well go back to sleep though it's pretty late." Sabo explained, he made his way to his side of the bed and got under the covers with you. You turned to face him, making sure not to disturb your sleeping cat, you snaked your arms and legs around your boyfriend holding him close.

"Your hair is still wet," you commented as you ran your fingers through his damp hair.

"Mhmm I don't care. I'm tired," Sabo yawned his hands brought you closer to him while his head nustled into the crook of your neck. You could feel his breathing slow on your neck as he drifted of to sleep.

"I can't wait for you to move in." You whispered as drifted off to sleep as well.

~Time Skip~

"I'm suprised Monster likes the water," Sabo gasped as he watched your cat play in the shallow water. You and Sabo were sat on a beach towel that was splayed out across the sand, Luffy and Ace were near by making a sand castle while Thatch and Marco were back at the cabin making lunch for everyone.

"We should join him," you said as you stood up stretching your arms over your head. Muscular arms wrapped around your legs and waist as Sabo lfted you, carrying you towards the water. You thought your boyfriend was going to set you down in the shallow end next to your cat, instead he carried you to the deeper part of the lake. "Sabo... you better not."

"What? I'm not doing anything~" a playful smirk spread across Sabo's face, he raised you above the water a mischievous glint in his eyes before he dunked you into the cold lake. A shrill gasp left your lungs as you felt yourself go under, you stayed under for a while letting your body get used to the cold temperture of the water.

You burst to the surface suprising Sabo as you wound your arms behind his neck and dragged the male under the water with you. Your lips found his as you two slowly sunk towards the bottom of the lake, you wanted the kiss to continue but your lungs started to burn. You parted fom Sabo, together the both of you swam to the surface.

"Phew... that was wow!" Sabo huffed out as tried to catch his breath, his arms were snug around your waist helping you stay afloat. You giggled at how flustered your boyfriend was, pressing a quick kiss to his forehead.

"You're so precious," you murmured causing a blush to rise to the blonde's cheeks.

"Y-Yeah... well you're amazing and gorgeous a-and really smart-"

Sabo was silenced by you kissing him, your fingers tangling themselve in his blonde locks while your legs wrapped around his waist. His hands went to your hips as he deepend the kiss, his tongue gently pushing past your lips to play with your own.

"Hey! Can the two of you stop eating each other's faces and find us some seashells!?" Ace shouted from the shore.

"He's so annoying sometimes," Sabo grumbled out as he looked back at his brother.

"You mean all the time. Anyways we did come here to swim not makeout, we can do that all you want when you move in with me." You teased as you dove under the water, leaving your red faced boyfriend at the surface.

Camping with Idiots  (SaboxReader)Where stories live. Discover now