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"You should take a break," you told your boyfriend as you handed him a glass of lemonade. Sabo gladly took the cool drink from you, drinking it quickly as to cool himself down from the hot afternoon sun.

"In a bit I'm almost done this," Sabo replied as he set the empty glass down on the small work table he had brought out to work on your backyard. He looked back at the plans that he had for your yard, the plans you wouldn't let him show you so it would be a suprise when it was all finished.

"You said that when you were fixing the bathroom," you groaned out. It'd been three weeks since Sabo had move in with you after the first two nights he started working on various areas of the house. You were gratefull for it of course, but you were worried the sweet blonde was working himself too hard.

Sabo looked back over at your slightly pouty face and let outa quiet sigh. "I could use a break."

A smile sprouted across your face at that, you tragged your boyfriend to sit down with you in the lawn chairs you had out. Monster was sleeping on one of them so you opted to sit on Sabo's lap.

"You're getting a tan," you pointed out as you pulled down Sabo's shirt collar a bit, the skin was lighter in contrast to the skin that was exposed to the sun. You idly traced his collarbones as his hand went to your hips pulling you closer to him.

"What you don't like it?" Sabo teased as he rested his head on top of yours.

"I never said that. I just think you should wear some sunscreen so you don't get burnt," you told Sabo. He hummed in response not seeming to worry all that much. Of course he'd make sure to put sunscreen on the next time he was out seeing as you were worried about it.

At some point of you two just relaxing, the both of you fell asleep in the lawn chair. The two of you slept there under the summer sun until you felt a tapping on your nose. At first you swatted at whatever it was away but it kept persisting so you slowly cracked your eyes open.

You were met with the grumpy face of Monster, once he saw you were awake he hopped of the chair and headed towards the open doors of your kitchen. Seems the little guy was letting you know that he was hungry.

You gently sat up as to not wake up Sabo, though at the sign of you moving Sabo pulled you back into his chest.

"Five more minutes..." Sabo mumbled as he snuggled into your neck.

"Come on Sabo get up. I gotta give Monster his food," you whined. You tried getting out of your boyfriends grip but it was no use he was much stronger than you.

"He can wait."

"Do you really want to keep Monster waiting?" Almost instantly Sabo let go of you allowing you to go feed your cat.

That's what I thought. Nobody wants to mess with Monster.

You walked into your kitchen to see Monster sitting by his empty food bowl; he had a rather annoyed look on his cute little face.

"Sorry buddy, here's your food," you apologized while scoping some kitty kibble into his bowl.

Even I don't want to mess with him.

You went back outside to see if Sabo was up yet. Not to your suprise the blond was still sleeping on the very lawn chair you left him on.

"Sabo wake up," you cooed softly as you gently nudged his shoulder trying to wake him up, all he did was scrunch up his nose and role onto his side so his back was facing you. You huffed, crossing your arms over your chest until an idea popped into your head.

"It's so hot out here," you exaggerated loudly. You looked over to see if Sabo had woken from you talking so loud but the male was still snoring softly. "I guess I'll just have to take of my clothes to cool down. I hope the neighbours don't see."


"NOOO!!!" Sabo yelled as he jumped up from the lawn chair, wrapping you up in his arms and running inside. A chuckle left your lips as you looked over your boyfriends worried expression.

"That was mean~" Sabo pouted as he realized you were only joking about undressing outside.

"Sorry but you wouldn't wake up," you smiled. You planted a kiss to Sabo's cheek to cheer him up," I wanted to know what you want for supper?"

"Chinese. And I'd rather you dump cold water on me then the thought of you undressing in front of others. Y-You can only undress in front of me," Sabo whispered the last part but you still heard him.

"I would never dream of taking my clothes off in front of anybody but you," you reassured Sabo. You went over to the phone to order your guys food, you already knew what Sabo liked so the phone call was a guick one.

"I've been thinking... do you want to go camping next week?" Sabo asked you, his hand went around your waist as he pulled you closer to himself, his head resting on your shoulder.

"Again? We just came back not too long ago. Are your brothers coming?" You questioned as your turned around to face your boyfriend.

"Well you'll start working for Pops soon, so I thought we could get away before you start. And no my brothers are not coming so we can have some alone time together and be as loud as we want." Sabo smirked down at you, your cheeks turning a nice rosy colour at the mention of being loud.

"Oh of course I'd love to go with you," you beamed up at your boyfriend. A smile spread across Sabo's face when you agreed to going, he leant down and pressed a soft kiss to your lips.

"And let's leave Monster with my brothers."

~The End~

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