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You awoke to the smell of bacon and hand on your boob.

When you guys had arrived back at the brothers house or Pops house as they called it late last night you were exhausted. You may have slept for most of the drive back, but it was uncomfortable and bumpy. So when you arrived at the brothers house you said a quick hello to Pops then passed out in Sabo's bed.

Sabo was still fast asleep behind you, his soft breathes ghosting the back of your neck. His one hand rested gently on your breast while the other was wrapped around your waist holding you close; his bed was rather small, definitley not made for two people, so the both of you snuggled close all night long.

You slowly slipped out of Sabo's hold careful not to wake him. You stretched your arms above your head, letting out a sigh as your back cracked satisfyingly. You looked back at Sabo, the blonde still sleeping peacefully, you decided to let him sleep longer while you went downstairs to see what everyone else was up to.

"Really? That's great news. Gurarara~" Pop's laugh echoed from the kitchen. Curious as to what Pops was so happy about you made your way into the kitchen.

"What's great news?" You questioned as you walked into the kitchen, Newgate was sat at the table a big mug of coffee in his hands. Sitting next to him was Marco,he was most likely the one who told Pops this 'great news'. Across the kitchen was Thatch cooking breakfast for everyone, with Luffy hanging off his shoulders. Acewas no where to be spotted so you guessed the freckled male was still asleep.

I wonder where Monster is?

"Why you and Sabo, lass." Pops smiled, his mustache looked like it was reaching his ears.

"Oh, thanks." You sheepishly sat down at the table with the two gentlemen; you were very, very, very happy that you and Sabo were dating now, you just felt awkward about being praised for it.

"Finally one of my boys have themself a good girl to be with. Luffy is still young and childish so he has time, but as for the rest of ya' when-"







You listened to the sound of Ace falling down the stairs, now knowing where your cat was. You decided to go check Ace and Monster, to make sure your grey fluff ball wasn't killing said male.

Ace had his hand cupped over his nose as blood trickled down his face, you hoped his nose wasn't broken again. At the top of the stairs Monster stood looking very proud of himself.

You made Ace remove his hand from his nose so you could take a look at it. Besides a very intense glare on his face, Ace was fine; he made his way to the downstairs bathroom to clean himself up. Your grey fluff ball trotted down the stairs towards you, loud purrs emitting from his throat as he wound himself between your legs.

Seems someone is happy about nearly killing Ace.

You wanted to be mad at Monster, but you couldn't when he stared up at you with his big yellow kitten eyes. You huffed out, bending down to pick up the little cat, bringing him into the kitchen with you.

Marco noticebly backed up from the table when he saw you enter the room with Monster.

"Is this the dangerous cat you guys were telling me about? Why he's tiny," Pops huffed out. He stood from the table and walked over to you, behind him Marco was whispering 'don't do it yoi'. Of course Pops ignored him and just plucked Monster from your arms.

Marco had his hands pressed over his eyes and Thatch seemed to stop breathing as he was brining plates of food to the table. Luffy didn't care as he was occupied by the food. And you... you were just smiling as you watched Monster rub his grey head under Pop's chin.

"See Monster ain't as bad as you guys make him to sound." You teased, of course you knew your cat wasn't friendly towards the brothers except for Sabo.

"Tell that to my nose," Ace hissed out as he walked into the kitchen, tissues stuffed up his nose.

"Ah you're just clumsy my boy," Pops dismissed Ace's complaint. Ace's face changed from one of anger to shock to a glare he directed towards Monster which was returned.

You just rolled your eyes at the two's antics. You took a seat at the table and started to pile your plate with food, not all of it was for you some was for your sleeping boyfriend. You knew his brothers wouldn't hesitate to eat everything without saving him a single bite.

"When is Sabo moving into your place?" Thatch asked over a forkful of eggs, not caring about Ace's hurt feelings.

"Today, hopefully." Sabo yawned out as he sat down next to you, you didn't even notice him enter the room. He looked around the table a small pout on his face as he notced all the food was gone, that was until you slid your plate over to him.

"What? Today? Isn't that too soon?" Thatch was shocked by his younger brother's claim, you weren't suprised though. You and Sabo had talked about this in depth back at the cabin, since you were a writer you worked mostly from home or at cafes, meaning Sabo could move in with you whenever and not have to worry about your shcedule.

It was Sabo himself who decided today would be the best day for him to move in. And you couldn't agree with him more, you wanted to spend all the time with him that you could.

"Today sound perfect gurarara~ Now who ate all my food?" Pops asked as he sat down at the table.

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