Chapter 44

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Dante's POV

Seli and Demetrius ended up shopping together after I practically threatened Demetrius he'd have Selena back to my house by 6 or he wouldn't have any limbs left. I told him my address and was about to threaten him more when Kass pulled me away.

I placed Selenas shopping bags in my trunk and locked my car.

I saw a Arcade and walked inside with Kass holding my hand. I got her a really big teddy bear from the ring toss. I also got her a packet of gummy rings from a snack stand.

We walked to a ice cream parlour after and sat at the booth in the corner. "Wanna get free dessert?" I said. "Sure." She said.

"I'm going to need your ring. Play along." I said. She gave me the ring and nodded her head, confused. "Kass, will you marry me?" I said loudly, on one knee. Everyone turned to face us and awaited Kass's answer.

She nodded her head and said "Yeah." She pretended to cry whilst I slipped the ring on her finger. Everyone cheered and a waiter came up to us giving us a big ass bowl of ice cream. "Congratulations." He said. "Thanks." We said at the same time.

Once the waiter left, I held Kass's hand in mine and said, "One day, we will get married." She blushed and looked so adorable. I kissed her hand and grinned when she went more red.

We finished the dessert and I drove her home. I opened the door for her and kissed her on the cheek. "Will there be another date?" I said, hopefully. She kissed me on the lips and said "Of course."

Isaac opened the door and said, "I saw that." I laughed nervously. "Don't worry, I won't do anything." He said. I let out a sigh of relief and paled when he said "Yet."

Damon sniggered as well as Alcander. "Very funny." I thought, making them howl with laughter. I waved bye to them both and drove home.

I saw it was 6 and saw Demetrius kiss Selena on the cheek before walking her to the door. I opened the door and said bye to Demetrius when he stared at Selena a little too longer than normal. He waved goodbye to Selena and blew her a kiss.

I intercepted it and blew him one back as a joke. He looked taken back and then winked and drove away. "You're such a dork." Selena said walking upstairs. "Oh yeah, well... you're a dork too." I said back, lamely.

Kassandra's POV

I lay on my bed gossiping with Calvin. Our feet's dangled off the bed as we talked about how Melanie, the pack slut, tried to flirt with Dean. A knock interrupted our interesting conversation.

I groaned and stood up and opened the door. I saw Dad stand there, leaning against the door frame. "Macenyth and Addie have come with your cousins and grandparents. Come downstairs."

I motioned for Calvin to come and together we followed dad downstairs. "Princess, how are you?" Grandad said, hugging me tightly.

"I'm good. How are you?" I managed to choke out. "Sorry, dear. I didn't realise I was hugging you too hard." He said, apologetically. I smiled and said "It's ok."

I greeted Maccie (Macenyth) and Addie (Adelaide) as well as Hayden, Grayson, Noah and Kendall.

Calvin greeted them all and even managed to impress Maccie, who's hard to impress. "So where is this mate I've been hearing so much about?" Issie, (Isla, Grandma) said.

"He's at his house. He's coming in a bit." I said. Just as I said that, a knock sounded on the door. I rushed to the door and opened it, seeing Dean, Selena and Dante.

I guided them to the garden where everyone was and introduced them to everyone. River slapped Dean on the back and said "How have you been?"

Dean grinned and said, "Pretty good, old man. How are you?" Grandad laughed and said, "Still haven't broken a hip yet."

They laughed together and walked to the game room with Dad in tow. Mom sat with Issie in the outhouse.

Noah and Kendall were with Ethan, Vanessa, Elijah and Chelsea. I was with Dante, Hayden and Grayson.

"Have you heard?" Hayden said. "About what?" I said. "There's been word going around that Silverblades pack has gone chaotic. Kyan keeps lashing out at everyone and has been destroying everything in his pack. Members of his pack have fled and joined different packs." Grayson said.

"I also heard a girl called Kasey is his second chance mate and is pregnant with his child." Calvin added.

I snorted and was about to speak when Calvin continued, "He doesn't want the baby. There's word that he's gone mad and keeps repeating the words 'I need Cupcake.'

My face paled.

Grayson snorted, "Do you think he's off it?"

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