Looking at You makes me Sleepy

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Chapter 1

Location : Falcon Residence
Time : 9am

The Young Master's name is King Alexander Tulip Falcon.

Not Only is he very handsome, he is also very rich(His family).

But Not only is he not popular to the girls, he is also being hated.

The Reason is Clear.

--He is Gay--

And not only is he a gay, he is also an offender. Forcing his way through men.

Hated and scorned by the masses.



The door is wide opened.

Cradel Falcon is a serious man.
He is strict but is also generous.
He always shows his dignified self to everyone.
But today he wears his angry face and slammed his only son's door.

A grumpy but eternal beauty abruptly open his eyes like a celestial blessing with his beauty.
King rubs his eyes and look at his father who is equally beautiful.


"My head hurts. Let me sleep some more." He said as he lets gravity pull him back to his bed.
What a comfy bed this is.

"King Alexander Tulip! Wake your ass now or I will be really mad!" His father rarely raises his voice but King is unmoved.

King glares at the ceiling but only sigh and sit up. Scrathing his head. He looks pitifully at his father.

"I am really hurting..." he said and sigh.

The stern look in Cradel face falter as he walks to his side and touches his head gently.
"Where? Where are you hurting?"

A lazy smile appears in King's thin lips.

He raises his head and a bit pitifully he rubs his temple.

"Dont drink too much." His father sigh and help him rubs his temple.

A woman at the door who is eaves dropping angrily bit her hanky in frustration.

'What are you doing? Your son is already in college! Why are you doting at him so badly? Isnt his head hurts because of hang over? Arent you so angry rushing here and then now you want to do a full head massage on his head?'


Its already late and Cradel already eat his breakfast but he still accompany King while he eats his late breakfast.
His class will start at 11am so he is in no hurry.

"Eat slowly." Cradel said and smile a bit seeing the eagerly to eat young man. He is handsome.
Very handsome.
But he is a gay.
He doesnt like woman and wont be having children in this life so Cradel is extra careful and caring about this son.
Also because King is his only son.
But Ellen said that she might be pregnant so it may not be long till he has a new son. But this son is still his precious and only son till now. How can he ever treat him badly? He rarely shout at him let alone spank him. He cant bear to harm this baby.

"Dad, why arent you eating? Here. It tastes good." King put two pieces of bacon strips in his clean plate, an egg and some loaf bread.

Cradel smiles and reaches to rub his head.

"My son knows when to curry favor."

"I just learn from you." He pouts and smiles later enjoying his food.

"Okay. But dont think I forgot about you drinking! I told you not to go with those kind of kids. Why are you so--"

"I will not go with them starting today." King hurriedly said and stand up hugging his father.

Cradel is shock but then smiles happily.
"Okay. You are so big now. Dont act too spoiled." But his tone betray him.

"Hmm..I am always father's little boy." King said not leaving his father side and hugging tighly.

"Ahem." A woman dress in a formal corporate attire.

King looks at her for a second then ignores her and still cling to his father.

Cradel sighes happily and rubs his head.

Ellen is angry.
But chooses to smile and sit down on the empty chair.

"Dont sit down!"

She halts as she is about to comfortably sit down.

She looks at Cradel with slight pained expression.

Cradel divorced his wife at the age of 29.
King is just 7 years old.
King is left to Cradel's parents to watch over him while he works but King is always sick and calling for his dad. Because of that, Cradel has to drive so far just to sleep beside his son. Cradel is a tough guy and endure all the hardship and still become successful in his career.
Ellen likes him for so many years as his secretary but his boss just wont show her any feelings.
And when a chance occur she jumps instantly. It was when King is very sick and he is trap in the island and a typhoon hinder his way home. He is very heart broken and very down.
Ellen comforts him and something happens.
After that, the relationship between them become more intimate.
Ellen promises that she will treat King kindly and wont mistreat him.
They got a civil marriage. She didnt complain besides she also has 2 kids in her past relationship.
But King is a spoiled brat through and through and refuses to let them live in Falcon Residence. When she comes in, she comes as a guest. She also has to wear her office clothes not to anger this young master. This is why Ellen is very angry at him. This sonofabitch.
She finally obtain marriage yet he is still putting a collar on his father's neck and this moron father is very happy to be in his beck and call.

"Ellen, can you wait for me in the car?" He softly smile at his wife.

Ellen freezes.
Not even in the receiving area?
Is she his wife or his mistress?

But Ellen still nod and smile.
"I understand. I am also concern about you King that I bought--"

"No need! I dont like anything that comes from you. Father, can you chase her out?" King is already a huge man. Towering his father. But this huge man is pouting and clinging to Cradel that Cradel cant help but be very happy.


Ellen heart is cold.
'What do you mean okay,okay? Your son is so rude! You should reprimand him not tolerate him.' But she didnt show a single anger and only sigh helplessly.
"There is a time when you will like me too." Ellen said smiling but Cradel face turn sullen.

That is her warning.
Ellen bow her head a bit and walk away.

"You want your son affection all to yourself! What are you a doting father or are you having an illicit relationship with your own son?! You fucking idiot!" She hates it that Cradel dont even protect her toward King but also get even jealous to anyone that wants to get near his son!
If she dont curry favor to King then when will she be able to live in this house?! When will she be able to bring her two children(daughter and son) with her here?!
She has been married to Cradel for 5 years.
That long five years they live separately!
She cant even raise her head when they come to Cradel's parents home as if she is disgusting!

Huffing and puffing in anger.
The guard inform her that the master is near so she adjusts her mood and sweetly smile at Cradel.

"Honey, let's go to the office?"

"Sure." He said smiling.

'Not even an ounce of apology. You are my husband but you treat me the worst!'

Grinding her teeth inwardly she told the driver to drive them to work. No need to be impatient.
She has all the time in the world. She will live in that house no matter what.


I always feel like I dont have what it takes to write a BL story.
But I like BL story.
I want to write...I want tooooooooooooo..


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