Selfish Brat

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King yawn as he rubs his eyes.
He didnt get shock to see his handsome older brother sleeping beside him. He actually enjoys it very much.
He even roll to his side hugging him and rubbing his face to his hard chest.

"Umm..Naughty brat." Julius slowly open his eyes and a smile escape his lips.

"Good morning brother." King kisses Julius forehead and lie down in his body. When he is small its so convenient to kiss his lips without problem but now its not going to slide. His arms and legs are also long that it looks like they are being naughty on bed but all his doing is lying on Julius body.
Julius eyes narrowed as he rubs King's hair.

"My King is really so sweet.Let's sleep more like this."

King smiles inwardly.
He knows Julius is uncomfortable supporting his weight but not even reprimanding him or blaming him not even pushing him away.

"Are you sure you wont get up and help your Dad? He will be leaving now." Julius softly whisper to his ears teasing him.

King sit up in his stomach and hurriedly jump.
"Why didnt you tell me earlier? Meanieee..." the already old enough hunk stick his tongue and run.

"Wait! Your clothes. Fix it!" Julius jumps out of the bed and grab King. He fix the unbottoned shirt. He looks down seeing King not wearing only a boxer short.

"Hurry." King said nit even helping him. He looks anxious as he looks at Julius.

"There." Julius said and he slaps King butt urging him to go.

King pouts and stick his tongue again and run.

Julius smiles and later turn into a healthy laugh.


"Dad!" Cradel is shock to see  a huge man flying to his side.
King knocks him to the floor.

"Husband!" Ellen screamed in panic.

Cradel stops her from coming with a palm and look at King smiling.

"My cute little angel, what will you do if I break my back because of you?" He said as sweetly as he can as if he is seducing a woman.

"Then I can keep father beside me!" King said and hugs Cradel neck. The two are lying in the cold floor but it feels like spring time in Cradel's heart.

"My sweet angel, you cant always be this spoiled. Here greet your step mother."
Cradel said and urge him to stand up since his back is really painful.

King pouts and look at Ellen. Ellen smiles.

"Good morning Ellen." King flatly said.

"Oh! Good morning King. Its been nice seeing--"

"Dad, do you really have to go?" King said and shakes Cradel.

Cradel sighs and pinch King's cheek.
"Naughty brat. Just stay with your grandfather for a bit. Your step father also wants to see you. But remember that I am your only father, okay." He said kissing King's cheek.

King pouts but nods his head.
"Okay. Be careful out there. Dont drink too much. Call me everyday." King said and his eyes get moist.

Seeing him like this Cradel is pained to leave. He hugs King's head tigthly.

'Please! You will only part for a month.' Ellen angrily clench her fist but her face is still smiling kindly.

Before then can leave, King and Cradel with Julius and Ellen on the side, eat their breakfast. Cradel and King hugs in the garden and talk about any simple things. Teasing and laughing before they can be separated. Its always been a wonder for Ellen if its really normal to dote on someone this much?

Julius happily staring at the two father and son while drinking his coffee.

"How can you keep smiling looking at them? They are being so childish." Ellen said plainly.

Julius raised a brow.
"You dont know why Uncle Cradel and Mom divorced?"

"Because they got into an argument. He told me." She smiles politely.

"That argument is King. Uncle Cradel loves King so much. Once King cried he will blame Mom. Mom is not someone who will let others put a blame to herself and fight with him. They always end up forgiving each other in the end. But one time they are fighting  and King got scared with their raised voice and King fell in the second floor. Luckily he got save by the sofa cushion but he still got alot of broken bones. They are both scared and thought King will die. They realize they are not meant to live together and broke up. They maintain their good relationship as a friend and now they are more happy to be just friends."

Julius stare at the quiet Ellen.
Ellen is smiling while drinking coffee but her hand is sweating.

Just because of a child.
They divorce so they wont startle the child again?
Its true that the situation of their child is to their top priority but instead of deciding not to fight, they decide to divorce. If his husband way of thinking is like this then when King got hurt because of her, he will divorce her?


"I heard you are pregnant. Is drinking coffee good for your baby?" Julius asks.

Ellen almost spit the coffee in her mouth and slowly let the coffee cup down.
She smiles.
"I only drink it once in a while."

"Oh." Julius didnt bother and look back to the father and son. Seeing King crying then its time for Cradel to go.

Ellen blame herself for not being careful. She knows that Julius is investigating her every move but she also knows that her own husband doesnt trust her that much making it even more harder. All she can do is to give birth. Once she gave birth let see if Cradel still treats King with his undivided love?
She will snatches him away. She will be sure that King will be out of their life.

"Dad, she is glaring at me." King whisper to Cradel.

Cradel eyes widen and he glared at Ellen.
"Dont mind her." He said.
If only this woman can genuinely like his son then he is willing to pamper her even more and treat her gently. But she is not that soft and kind as she appears to be. But he admits that she is always been good and patient thus he still let her do what she wants and make her stay by his side. But if she keeps on provoking his treasured son then he will never let her an easy life.
Thinking about the life in her stomach he sigh. He cant be that domeneering. She still carrying his child in her stomach.

"Why are you drinking coffee again?" Cradel said when he gets near and Ellen kisses his cheek.
Ellen face reddened and look down.
"I am feeling sleepy and just want to wash my mouth with coffee. I only drink a little." She said.

"You already had two children yet you still dont know how to take care of your pregnant body? If my sibling got problem because of you I will really slap your face." King said angrily.

Ellen face blush in anger but she didnt has gutts to glare at King openly so she glares at the grass.

'Someday, I will slap that face of yours until you turn into a pig head.' She grits her teeth and clench her fists.


Im touch.
Thank you for reading.

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