True People

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"That's enough. Dont make a face like that."

Ellen flinch and warmth spread through her heart as she raise her head when she heard Cradel's pampering tone only to be pale again to see that the one  being coax is not her but of course King.

"Hmp. Why can she go and I cant? Do you love her more than you love me?" King angrily move side ways and cross his arm pouting.

"My child dont be difficult to your step mother."

Not only Ellen even Julius make a sharp inhale.
Julius looks at the soulless Ellen that is gaping at the two father and son that is literally flirting like lovers.

"Then Father loves me the most? Alone?"

"Not alone but the most. Give me a little face to show to your step mother. She is still my wife." Cradel kiss King's face.

Ellen almost cry as she looks away.
"Ill be waiting in the car." She said as she walks away.

Cradel looks coolly at her.
King tugs Cradel's shirt to gain his attention and Cradel didnt disappoint him.

"What is it my sweet little pie?"

"Dad....Will she live her after she gave birth?"

"Your Dad is not a good person. I never been one. But what I dont lack is money. Since My love doesnt want to live with her then I will just compensate her by buying her a large mansion."

" wont live with me anymore?" King face paled.

Julius frowns and step forward calming the pampered prince.
Cradel also panic and grab King's both hand pressing them.

"No. No. How can Dad live without you?"

".....promise? Will you promise?"

"Of course." Cradel smiles and kiss King's hands lovingly.


Finally they are about to send Cradel to the car and it took them 30 minutes of coaxing.

"We will go then." Ellen already regain back her warm rosy glow and smile brightly at King.

"Ellen, Im sorry for acting badly toward you."

Everyone, even the driver, is shock with King.

"I...I.." Ellen is startled that she cant believe it. She gets rattle as King will never say something that wont harm her, ever!

"Since I did something bad to you and your son did something bad to me. We can call it quits right?"

Sharply inhaling, Ellen look at her husband who suddenly froze and his eyes turn wide and.....scary.

King didnt explain more.

"Bye Dad. Take care." King said and turn around.

"Wa--wait. Its a misunde...No..Husband its a misunderstanding. My Philip will never hurt King."

Cradel didnt say anything but he only stare at her intently then move his eyes to her stomach.

" are not carrying my child...Ah...Ellen, you can plot against me! But you can never plot against my son!" Cradel angrily punch the car window and kick the seat infront of him. Luckily, its the empty seat.
The driver hands tremble a little.

Ellen also move away as much as she can and her whole body is trembling. Tears are already forming in her eyes.

Cradel breath heavily and try to compose himself.

"You know what kind of person I am. Do not do this kind of things again. Your son, I will spare him for now since my son forgive him. You. You will talk to your children and tell them for the nth time that there are people they can never cross. Do you understand?" Cradel spoke slowly and word for word pauses as if he is holding back his anger and slowly regaining back all the rationality in his body. He cannot harm Ellen. Not an innocent baby that she is  carrying. Not his blood and flesh.


"Big brother...."

"Tell me! I wont stop until I hear it!" Julius angrily grab his wrist.

King pouts.

"I dont have evidence." He said and break away from Julius.
Julius let him go. King hugs him like a snake almost melting Julius's anger away.

He rubs King's soft hair.
"Tell me. I wont be at eased if I dont know what these people are doing to you. Should I monitor you from now on? But you hate it when I do it.."

"Its fine. Just drop it for now. Dont make your self angry because of me." King looks up and kiss Julius chin.

Julius smiles and kiss King's cheek.His eyes intently looking at his lips. King hearts thump.
Julius thumb softly rubs King's lip.
King swallows as Julius lower his head and their nose touches.

"King! Lets go! Oh.. Good morning Brother Julius."

Julius raised his head and smile at the always energetic Thor. After greeting back, Julius get down to prepare his car taking King's two travel bags.

King is tilting his head up waiting for the kiss that didnt come.

"King, hey, let's g--"

King grabs Thor shirt and angrily press his forehead to Thor's forehead.

"Why? Why?!!!"

"What Why?"

"You Alarm Clock Enthusiast! You Music Box Idiot!"

"Are you insulting me? Is that an insult?"

"No! Im praising you. Im praising your whole Ancestor for making you!"

"Ahahaha.. Then I did something good? What did I do good?" Thor happily smirks.

Thor knows him too well. King knows he deliberately interrup in his 'happy' time.

"Asshole! Someday, someday Ill get back at you." He angrily stomp his feet.

Thor wrap his arm around King's shoulder.
"You are always this selfish. If your brother crosses the line once. You'll always make him cross that line over and over again. Once he got caught by your father and your mother, do you know what will happen to him?"

"Shut up! You are talking like we will never have a chance." King angrily slap Thor's face.

Thor kisses King's cheek.
"My dear friend, did you find it weird that I kiss you?"

"No. You always kiss me. I always kiss you. What the fuck?"

"Hahahah. That is because we got use to it since we are kids. But what if Bin, our classmate buddy kiss you?"

"Ill hit him!"

"See. Ahahah. You got use to it so you think its normal but Im actually ashamed to kiss you in public or they might think we are lovers. Its not normal to be kissing as friends.Even with brothers. No. Its weirder with brothers. Brothers dont kiss they punch each other."
Thor laughs a bit.

"Why are talking so round about way?"

"Im saying. Your brother likes you too. So dont be impatient and let him formally ask your parents approval first."

King's mouth is wide open.
It turn like a big O.

"You are not pulling my legs?"

"My lovely King, its because you always like the wrong people that is why you dont know how charming and endearing you are. Even I am not a gay, Ill marry you if you tell me you love me."
Thor said open arms.

King is touch and smile blushing cutely.
Then he pounce and hug Thor.
"Only you treat me the best."

"You say that to who ever is in front of you, you cheater." Thor said messing King's hair.


Its hard to make their relationship so cute without making it look gay.
My cute Thor and King.


Don't Yawn, My Lazy KingOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora