Strictly Pampering Me

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The whole student body looks from a far but didnt approach the military men who lined neatly and wont show facial expression what ever happens.
Yet the one who wore the red Cap meant for squad leader is having fun with one of the richest and one of the famous guy in the school-King.

"Then I will wait for Uncle and Aunt's approval before I Pack my things." King smiles at Thor.

"Good idea. Do you think we can bring other stuffs?" Thor wonders.

"You cant. Its not a vacation tour. Or can we?" King blinks at Julius and hugs his waist.
Julius rubs King's hair and flick his forehead.
"Naughty brat. You cant do that. Its not going to a vacation as you said." He laughs but didnt remove King's hand around his waist.

"Aww... Then can I stay in your room? Its pefectly fine right? O heard your room is well airconditioned and have a large receiving area with a 110 inches flat screen T.V." King said still acting cute.

"You cant not because I dont want to." Julius said as he cup the Kid's face and kiss the end of his nose.
"Your grandfather will surely monopolized you. Can I even compete?" He said laughing.

The men saw how intimate they were and thinks the Boss is actually 'that' kind of a man. He likes men, huh.

"Oh..How about me then? Sucks to me?" Thor pouts.

"Stick with your cousin." King said smiling. "Or your brother."

"Brother will be a drag. Ask your father to let me in also. I promise never to steal your quality time together." He said blinking.

King is his family's apple in the eye. Everyone loves him over the top.

"Ill try. But get a back up plan ready." King said.

"Ill start begging My second brother." Thor laughs.

"Then that is settled. We will just patrol around. Then Im free at 7. You stay at home. Ill help you pack your things." Julius pinched his cheeks a bit.

"Okay. And stay for the night.Please...."

"....How can I ever say no?" Julius laughs a bit showing how he enjoys talking to him.

King finally let him go.
"You promise! A military man cannot break his promise." King sticks his tongue as he pull Thor away.

Julius wave his hand for 2 minutes when King is no longer here his stern face went cold.

"March!" He shouted and everyone went back from the daze.


"Daddy will leave me again." King pouts as he watches Cradel pack his clothes.

Cradel sighs and stop packing.
He went to the bed and hug his son.

"Ow...You cute little thing. Already old enough yet still so adorable."

"Hmp. Keep saying that yet keep on leaving." King said but still hugs Cradel's waist.
"I wanna go witb Daddy." He said like a spoiled brat whining.

Cradel heart swells. He then thinks maybe he can bring his son.
But when he thinks that while he is in a meeting his son got abducted by a foreign syndicate never to found him again he shakes his head.

"You cant! Its dangerous out there!" He said.

King smiles inwardly.
This Father never let King go abroad alone. He is either with him all the time or he is with a jam packed of body guards.
The original King got so fed up that he warns Cradel that if he wont withdraw tbe guards then he will commit suicide. His father got so horrified that seeing any sharp objects near his son for a week makes him extremely afraid.

King yawns.
Its been a long day.

"Dad, Im sleepy." He said and lay on the bed.

"You want to sleep with Dad?" Cradel happily said.

"Hmm..Im old enough. Bring me to my room."

Cradel smiles as his son blinks.
Does he thinks he is still a small child? He is a very tall man with a nice built. Can he carry him? Well, he can. Worst case his lower back and shoulder will suffer tomorrow.

"Uncle, can I?" Julius smiles seeing Cradel.

Cradel smiles.
This is his ex wife adopted son and always been kind to his son so he always likes him.

"King wakes up. Your older brother is here to help you pack your clothes and yet you are sleeping." Cradel reprimands King but didnt really try shaking him up letting him sleep more relax.

"Ill carry him." Julius is always here visiting every chance he has.

King is carried to his room.
King really likes the princess carry as he lazily rub his body to Julius.
Julius laughs.
"Naughty boy, you are awake yet you let me carry you." He said but he is not mad but instead really happy. He put King down to his bed.

"Hmm.." King lazily hook his arms and pull Julius to his bed.
"Sleepy. Let's sleep."

Julius laughs and hug King as they lay on the bed together.

When King breathing become even. Julius stands up and remove his shoes.
He changes from the clothes he always use when he is here.
Its like he has always a place here.

He starts packing King's clothes.
Cradel came in knowing Julius will be alone packing King's clothes.
He brings him a cup of coffee and the two harmoniously talks about trendy clothes that might look good on King, talks about how King is prettier than any fashion models and all other stuffs comparing King to anything even food. The two is obviously head over heels with King.

King on the other hand cant be bothered.
He likes sleeping and he feels like he shouldnt deprived himself with more and more sleep.



Lets sleep.


Laundry is calling.
I can be bothered, though.

Always doing the laundry but never getting rid of them.

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