Shoulder to lean on

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Everyone is hyped. They are going to a war zone. Though they are just escorting the food supply it is quite exciting for a healthy young men to experience what the battle field feels like. Some says to duscourage the young blood, some says it is to encourage the brave hearts.
Whatever the reason why reserves like them are being brought to war King hated them.

"Hurry. Why are we always being paired?" Rico sighs.

King glares at him and pitifully look at Thor's strong back that is walking in front of him.

Rico looks at where King is looking and he sighs again.
He took one of King's bag.

"I can't be Thor who always gave in but I can at least help you share your bags. So hurry and walk faster."

King nods.
He is exhausted.
If it is Thor he will carry all his bags. He pouts.

"Useless Rico. I shouldn't have picked your name." He forced himself to walk side by side but he is barely holding on.

The girl who picked by Thor looks at Thor who looks back every now and then.
She looks at where he was looking.
She leans closer to Thor.
"I am sorry that you picked me." She said bashfully. She doesn't look sorry but she looks like she says something so embarrassing and her cheeks reddened.

"No. It is not your fault." Thor says politely but his swrious cool face has no other expression.

"Move faster." Sebastian smiles at Thor.
"You are blocking us."
He teased.

Thor understands what he meant. Everyone is climbing an inclined mountain path and he is on the middle. If he stops everyone else from him downward has to stop too. He can't help but clenched his hand on the back pack and move forward.

The girl has hard time following him.

"Why did the pace suddenly picked up?" King almost kneel in surprise.

Rico grins.
"Obviously, someone told your boyfriend to finally look at his conscience."

"What are you talking about? Can you talk human?" King angrily said.

"Thor is looking out for you. Slowing the pace so you won't be left behind. It helps you but all of us feel more burdened because of the heavy bags. Finally he picked up the regular pace so everyone can reach our destination faster."

" this is the normal pace? I am dying. Leave me here. I don't want to continue."

"Do you want to be shot by the enemy? Hurry. I will carry your bags."

"Rico...Most of the time you are just an evil man and muscles but sometimes you are such a darling." King happily ditches his bag to Rico and run forward.

Rico has to endure twice the amount of weight but he didn't complain.
When they reach the top King is almost crawling.

The chief assign to the mission frown seeing how exhausted Rico was.

"You! Did you really think just because your grandfather is the major general you can bully others?"

King weakly stands straight and salute. His face is sweating and he looks like any minute he wilk wail and cry.

"Sir, I am not being forced. I offer my help voluntarily." Rico said as he put down the bags. He looks like he is exerting steams in his body.

"If you are that tough then carry all his bags all through the way."
The chief said frowning.

"Sir..I won't do it again." King said pursing his lips.
Why is it always him?
He did carry those bags half way. So why is it so bad in this man's eyes?
Why is everyone being cruel to him?

"Do you really think that in this wild war zone you can act like a young master and boss everyone? We come here as a soldier. Whether you are a reserve or not. You are acting out of line."

King bites his lower lip and he started crying.
He hates it.
He is not used to this kind of labor.
He doesn't like to get sweaty and feel stuffy. He can barely walk through. Bags that weigh a sack of rice is too much for him.

"Why are you crying? Do you think I am being unfair?"

"Sir, no, sir." King clearly answered between sobbing.

"You act like a girl. Men don't cry!"

"Sir, yes, sir." King said in between.

King's humbly accepting his mistakes soften the chief's heart.

"Okay. It is me who is being too strict. You two should take fluids and rest. We will go after 20 minutes."

King almost collapse in the ground but Nestor catch him.
Nestor with Darren's guidance bring him to the tree shade.
Thor helps Ryan move the bags.

King drank so fast that he almost choke. No. He choked.
Thr group of men who are being worried pats his back.
King knows how awful he might look right now. But he giggles.

"I look awful and I cried." He said giggling that turns into a laugh.

His companion smiles and they take turn rubbing his head.

"You did well." They said.

King face flushed red and his timid smile appears.

"Thank you, Rico." He said sweetly.

Rico took off his shirt and like a man who is dying lie on the grass.

"Talk later. Rest first." He said but he is smiling.

Everyone agreed and they all find a good position in the same tree shade.
Thor sit next to King and let King's head on his shoulder.

"I am sore all over." King said complaining.

"Hm." Thor took his hand and the two entwined their finger.
"You did well."

"Hmm.I really did try my best. But Chief is not wrong...I...I shouldn't yawn...let everyone"

"Sleep. I will be here."

"Thor, someday...I will be the one...helping"

"Of course. King, you will surely do that. As long as you put your mind into it. I know you can do just that." Thor kissed his hair.

King finally rest assured and he kiss Thor's cheek.
"Thank you."

"What's that for?" Thor chuckles.

"Rico said you are helping me out. If he didn't tell me I wouldn't know. Thor always protecting me. I feel assured everytime you are near me."

"Hmm. Are you in love with me now?"

"Tsk. I am trying to say something good. Why are you always saying something weird in exchange?" King angrily lie back down to his shoulder and refuse to talk to him.

The two sleeps like that.

Rico : Damn, they are getting bolder.

Sebastian : Dare says they are not lovers.

Darren : I hear nothing.

Zed : Fools.

The team pretend they are all asleep but they are actually eavesdropping.


Thank you for reading ♡

I made a mistake.
Previously I put 'Ryan' and realize that it is not Ryan but Rico.

His name....hahahahahha.

Don't Yawn, My Lazy KingМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя