King's Slaves

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'What is the Commander doing?'

'Who is that kid?'

'Gaaaah! Why is my hero....What is he doing???!'

'No. Must be dreaming. Yes. That is not My Hero Commander Julius. Yes. A dream.'

'Is he gay? If he is gay then why not me???!! Why not like me instead???!'

Everyone is gaping at Commander Julius.
His always sharp and cold eyes is now expressing kindness, fear and helplessness.
King try moving him away from his face as he continue to kiss his face.

"Br-brother...St-stop." King whispers helpless at Julius strong arms.
Julius stop but his arms hug him and pull him ever closer.

"Who harm you this much?" He said as his eyes watered.
Tears are about to pour...or not?
His clear eyes are now misted, looking at King as if he needs to be revered and worship.

"D-don't be like this." King can't help but to shy away from Julius hot stares and his pitiful frowning exprrssion.

Anyone who saw can only be shock. How can that cold blooded murdere---soldier look so pitiful like a wronged dog?

"Eagle Squad Commander Julius, you, him?" M.G. Tyler can't help but be curious as he step forward but he immediately step back when Julius sharply look at him. His eyes is dark and dull and his face is frozen stiff. He is not glaring but his eyes is widely open looking at him as if memorizing his face--his target.
The soldiers around gulps down.
This is definitely Julius. So it means the other guy before is also him?

King tugs Julius military clothes.
Julius looks down and see the apple of his eyes blushing in his bossom.

"Hungry." He shyly whisper.

Julius eyes once again look at the M.G. Tyler.
M.G. Tyler likes Julius. He is one of the soldier he has high hopes. He always try his best to maintain good relationship with him but he always sticking to his grandfather. He is always jealous of that old fart who can adopt such a fine man.

"You hear them. All the DeadZone Squad will be dismiss for now. You. Take them to the cafeteria." The M.G. Tyler can only compromise.

Arthur is still sulking and in his bossom is the squashed Thor.
Thor is a sweet guy. Even though he feels uncomfortable he never complain when his family hugs or kisses him in public.


King looks at all the food in the table. His companions are all glaring at thr golden fried chicken in the middle. All the food here are fancy and it makes one salivate.
King looks up.
They are all seating while Julius is standing guard beside him.

"You should sit down too Big brother." King pouts shyly and tugs his pants.

Julius smiles and lower his head kissing his left eye while rubbing his cheek.
"It's fine." He said and do the honor of selecting food for him.

Sebastian elbows Thor who is eating fast.

"What?" Thor asks. Then he thought of something and nods. He gave him the chicken wings in his fork.
"Since you are kind. I'll share this with you."

"I'm not asking for your food!" Sebastian rolls his eyes.

"Then what?"
Confuse Thor asks.

"Are you okay with that?" He asks.

Thor looks where he is pointing.
King is shyly being spoonfed by Julius.

"Yeah. He really should eat more. What if he become thinner than he already is? What if his skin gets dry? What if King gets weaker?" Thor nods while contemplating then he grabs a salad bowl and hand it over to Julius.
"Big brother, feed him salad too." After that he sit down again.

Sebastian is looking at him like he is an idiot.

"What? You don't look happ--I'm sorry. Do you also want that salad?"

"I mean! Are you not jealous?" Sebastian glaring at Thor.

Thor tilt his head then smile.
"Ah, you mean that? Hahahah. We are not like that. We are just brothers."

"....." Sebastian looks at him. He shakes his head. Brotherhood never feel so gay before.
Hugging all night like lovers do?

Thor didn't mind Sebastian and just eat with relish.


Knock. Knock.

"You called us here, M.G. Mendez?"
King smiles brightly with twinkling eyes looking at the handsome elderly that is seriously giving his subordinate instructions.
The said strict elderly look toward the door and he runs to King. Hugging him tigthly in his bossom.
The bear--err--The major General face loosen and there is a weird gloating smile in his face while rubbing his cheek to King.

All the people present wide eyed at the scene then looks away sweating.

'I didn't see anything.' They all pretend nothing is happening. They are all looking far away from them escaping the upcoming slaughter if find staring.

Thor also joins the two and take the elderly's hand to his forehead.

"Grandfather." He said smiling.

Carlos slight smile and rubs Thor's head.
"Good boy. Take care of my Grandson all the time, okay?"


"Grandpa! I'm old enough. Why are you saying that?" King pouts but he didn't remove the hands hugging his grandfather's waist.
Making the old man glee inside even more but his face already back to his stern cold aura.

The other guys with them are all looking down fearing the General.

"Grandpa, why did you call us here?"

The M.G. Mendez sits down his chair. Everyone else sits down.
King wants to sit down in front of him but the old man frowns.
King smiles and sit down on his lap.

'After all, I'm everyone's baby.' He thought.

No one wants to look at them flirting.
Their companion can only look at the floor.
Thor is the only one who is fine with it.

"That bastard hurts you. Don't worry. Grandfather already writes a recommendation for that asshole. He will be leaving the base sooner so he won't be able to harm you again." Carlos said while he is forming a fist.

King smiles.
"Yeah. I don't want to see him again. Grandpa, why does Major General Tyler hates me? Maybe I'm a bad guy?" King said as he flutters his eyes intend to cry but only moistened his clear eyes.

Carlos and Thor are both angered to death. They all clenching their fist and glaring at the air thinking how that Person hate such beautiful person.

Sebastian and the others looks at King who is beaming happily at the two downcasted guys.

'King of Pretenders'
'Wolf in sheep's clothing'
'Mind controller'


King looks at the others and smile slyly.



I made a mistake.
His Grandfather can't be Falcon cause he is King's maternal grandfather. I change it to Mendez. So King's middle name is Mendez.


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