Shushu's Pond

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After flirting for awhile King and the others go back to their camp.
Sebastian gasps seeing the isolated and near to collapse camp looking decently.

Zed stares at the wires that connects to somewhere.

"Did they....fix our camp? When?" He asks bewildered.

They slowly walk inside and there are still people who is systematically working tirelessly.
Military men working hard looks very masculine.
King enjoys the view and smile.
He always like people who is lower than him.
All the people working their hands look at how King is smiling and there are some irritation inside them.

'This kid is looking down at me. Literally.'

Darren looks at the normal bed, the normal cushion, the normal blanket and thinks that even normal stuffs looks extravagant after experiencing the worsst or the worst.

"If there is anything else, ask now." The woman who is wearing a green arm band said with a raise brow to King who is gloatingly smiling.

"No. I think this is good enough Ma'am." Sebastian reply being the squad leader.

The Squad Commander snorts and glare at King before she orders everyone to pull back.

The place emptied in a minute.

"Don't mind her. They said that the Zebra Squad Commander has a long time crush to the Eagle Squad Commander."
Rico said.

"Then she is in for a lot of heartache. My big brother will never like a girl like her." Hearing that someone is targeting his big brother makes King feeling sour.

Thor hugs his shoulder.
"Oh come on. You know your brother will never like anyone as much as he likes you so don't pout like that. It will only make you angry." He said coaxing.


They inspect their beds and they all feel happy. The bed before is only good for one person yet they are sharing. Now they have double decked beds and can now sleep alone.
Not everyone enjoy smelling and hugging each other.

King pats his bed and feel heartache.
His bed in their house is soft and warm. It is really sad to sleep in this kind of hard and small bed.

'Shushu, I should have listened to you and store my bed in your space.'

'It is because Master fears the animal dang might affect the bed's smell right? Suck it!'

'Why are you being mean?'

"Okay, since we have new equipments, electricity and we have eaten,I think it is time to do some mountain drills." Sebastian said.

"What? I want to sleep!" King pouts his body is still aching. His grandfather gave him relaxing ointment but it is not an instant relief one so he wants to rest his tired body.

"It is fine. This is just for us who wants to enter the military but you are welcome to join us." Jon said and rubs King's head. At first they are very vigilant about King's attitude but it turns out he will tolerate you as long as he likes you so they drop the pretense and be casual with him.

"Then good because I don't think I'll ever join you." King said and lie on his bed. "So unsatisfactory." He grumbles.

Thor sigh and smile.
"I'll join you guys."

"What? Why? I thought your dream, though I have doubt it will succeed, is to become an inventor? Since when they you get interested military?" King sits up and has a bewildered expression.

Thor scratches his head out of embarrassment.
"They will do a military drill while looking for food. We...I think it is not good to just let them alone."

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