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From then on, the already had their 3rd rest stops.
King didn'ask for help but he is in dead last.

"That thing is dragging us down." The Chief face palm looking at the staggering King.
"Everyone will takes turn on carrying his bags. We can't be more delayed than we already are."

King kneels down as he pants.

Thor walks to him and carry his bag.
King refused to let go.

"It is fine. Chief says so. We have to walk faster. Can you do it?" Thor asks slowly.

King nods and he let Thor takes his bags.

He is still the dead last but he is not that far away anymore.
He is barely on the last end.

The chief really wish that King is not his responsibility.
This is just a dead weight.
What puzzles him is how the whole team supports him.
He is anything but a handsome face.
He is not any better at anything.
He can't even tie a knot.

He should be the one who is scorned and hated.

"King, you look like you finally becoming a human being." Rico teased.


"Look. You sweats and pant. You look awful."

"......that makes me human? I do that most of the time since I came in the camp." King angrily said.

"Yes but you still keep being handsome. Today, you are less handsome making you look like a human being."

"I am tired but your brain is fried." King angrily look away.

The group who is not less sweating than him laughs and it feels like they are on their own world.
The Chief wanted to scold them that this is not a place to play around but before he can speak some metallic thing pierced in his back.

The girl beside him shouted.
After he fell down the other soldiers raised their guns only to be shot down.

"Move! All of you,run." He grits his teeth and with difficulty he took his hand gun but someone kick it from his hand.
A tall man in front of Chief Regan appear with a sneer.
His long gun pointed at his heart.

"Do not move or I will kill you. Round them all up and take them to our base. Tonight, we will eat lavishly." The other soldiers are subdued.
The enemy mercenaries laugh.
The reserves are all on the ground docking their head.


"Please get someone to treat our Chief's wound and the other soldiers wound." The lady officer said pleading. They are held captive in a cave like prison and the entrance is blocked by a thick grills.

The enemy didn't listen to her and continue eating the food they took from them.


Sebastian helps the Chief by wiping his face.

"Ma'am do not waste your saliva on them. They would rather see us dying than help us." A soldier said.

The girl angrily clenched her fist.

"Water! Just give us water."
But no one moves to them.
She cried.

"Chief, I failed you." She said.

The chief smiles.
"It is fine. This is the life of a soldier. What I hate is...that I drag all of you here."

"Sir." They all cast their head down.

"Thor, what's wrong?" Rico ask.



Don't Yawn, My Lazy KingWhere stories live. Discover now