3. I am the crown

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"Nandini I don't like fighting and fight clubs. And you want us to have a date in here. What will we do?" He said, irritated. And I couldn't help but mentally smirk. He should have thought that before accepting the marriage proposal.

"Honey I love this place so so much." That was true though. I loved this club the most. Though I quit fighting but I would drop by every now and then. "C'mon you won't do this much for me. And I am not telling you to fight me. Just come in with me and watch me fight."

"You can just go alone and I'll go back. I'll tell my dad that I had a very satisfactory date." He said.

"That's cheating." I said, trying hard not to smirk. "Honey you won't do this much for your future wife."

I could see him stomp his foot and grabbed his hair, looking down to the floor, totally irritated with the whole situation. I smirked. He should have thought about the consequences before accepting me.

"Stop honeying me. It's sounds too cringy...And I don't want my future wife to be you. You know...I am going crazy in here." He blasted as he shot me a glare. This was what I wanted.

I immediately took out my phone and opened the voice recording. "Say it again." I said.


"Say it again." I stepped closer to him and he stepped backward, sighing.

"Stop honeying me. It sounds too-" He paused and forced a smile on his face. "too lovely from your mouth and it makes me want to love you even more." I immediately  stepped backward as I stopped the recording. His lines were too cringy.

"Liar." I fisted my fist, calming myself down.

"Honey let's go. Let me see your skills in fighting." He was suddenly smiling. What was he up to? And honey it really sounded cringy.

"I'll be more than pleased to show it to you." I forcefully smiled as I added in an extra sugary tone. "Honey."

He followed me inside. I could see his expression change from time to time and that just made me smile. Seeing him I knew he really hated this place.

"Hey Nandini. Long time no see." I heard Mukti's voice. I looked ahead to see her smiling at me as she took off her boxing gloves.

"It's been quite long since I dropped by. How's everything going on?" I asked as I reached her.

"Abhi took part in the regional boxing champion and-" I could clearly hear the excitement in her voice and I couldn't help but smile.

"And he won." I completed her sentence.

"Yea he did." Her smile grew wider. "I am so so so proud--" She paused, looking at Manik. "Who's he?"

"He is my honey...my fiancee." I said.

"Wow you are getting married." Abhi's voice hit my ears and that made me turn. He placed the bag he had been carrying on the table.

"Yea.. no other choice." I said.

"Hey Abhimanyu Thakkar here but if it's too long for you then Abhi is fine." He said as he reached us. Manik looked at him and smiled.

"Manik. Manik Malhotra." He introduced himself as he shook hands with him.

"Mukti Abhimanyu Thakkar here." Mukti too introduced herself.

"You can never change, can you?" I shook my head slightly. Though they weren't yet married, she loved introducing herself as Abhi's wife.

"Never because this will soon be reality. Isn't it Abhi?" She smiled as she leaned on Abhi and he gently ruffled her hair. Aww  they were truly couple goals.

"Yea." He smiled.

"Oh yea.. by the way where are the other members of the club?" I asked.

"It's Sunday Nandini." Abhi reminded. "And even we are going out in a while now."

"Oh yea... I totally forgot the club members rest on Sunday.  You guys can also go and enjoy this day. But give me the keys. I'll practise here for a bit."

"But whom will you practise with?" Mukti asked.

"Don't worry about that."

"You sure... otherwise I can be your practising buddy. It wouldn't take-"

I cut Mukti in between."I am more than sure. So you guys can go." I said as I looked at Manik who had been looking around the club.

"Umm okay then." She said before handing me the keys. "Keep the keys in the usual place."

"I will and enjoy your date." I said. They left and I reached Manik who had been looking at the fighting ring. I gently tapped him on his shoulder, pasting a smile on my face.


"Hm.." He turned to look at me and I could see his expression drop, seeing me smiling.

"What do you want?"

"Be my practicing partner." I said and he immediately shook his head in 'no', stepping backward. "I haven't gone insane."

"C'mon I won't hit you for real. And moreover I am a very harmless girl." I made an innocent face but mentally I had been smirking.

"Yea...totally harmless... you want me to believe that?"

"Honey...you won't even do that much for me." I stepped closer to him and with each step I took towards him je stepped backwards.

"Stop honeying me...just stop it." I knew his irritation level had skyrocketed. As he moved backward he stumbled upon a chair and ended up sitting on it.

Placing my hand on either side of the chair, I leaned closer to him as he leaned backwards on the chair.

"He who wears the crown bears the weight of it." I gently and seductively  ran my forefinger down his face. "I am the crown and this is just one of the consequence of chosing me. So bear it." I patted the area of his heart a bit and smiled  at him. As I did that I could feel his wild heartbeat and strangely that made my heartbeat double.

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