12. Unlike me

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"How's your cold now?" My mum asked as I reached the dinning table. I smiled at Manik before sitting right beside his seat.

"It's much better." I said, looking at my mum.

"What about you?" I asked, shifting my gaze from my mum to Manik who had been sipping his soup.

"Um better." He nodded his head without even looking at me. My cute boy and not shy.

He wasn't the shy type. He absolutely wasn't but at times he was more than needed. I looked at him as he sipped his soup. "Don't look at me like that." He whisper yelled.

"Why can't I?"

"You mom is here." He indicated towards my mom through his eyes.

I leaned closer to him and said in a whisper,"I am staring at you not my mom. So why would that be a problem?"

He shot me a glare before getting back to sipping his soup. He gives up so easily.
My mom passed me a bowl of soup before she went back to the kitchen. "Finish this."

Later, after dad too came downstairs, mom served us the meal. I was surprised to see my dad and Manik bond so much. I felt like an outcast and from time to time I sneaked a glance at my mom and she seemed as though she too was enjoying their talks. This was no fun.

Right then an idea popped in my mind. I looked at Manik who had been saying something.

I slowly took off my shoes from one of my feet and slowly caressed his feet with mine.

"So that was bound-" His words caught in his throat when he felt my feet in his. His eyes went wide and he looked at me.

"What happened?" My mom asked, concerned.

"Nothing." He slightly shook his head, putting on a straight face and I dug in my food, trying hard to suppress my giggles.

I was in no mood to stop. I still had been caressing his feet with mine.

"Nandini get your feet off me." He whispered, faking a smile at others.

"Why? Does it turn you on?"I whispered back. Teasing him was so much fun.

He faked a smile. "Yea it turns me on. So don't pull such tricks in me." He said in a low tone.

"What are you two mumbling?" Mom said, looking at us and Manik just shook his head in nothing as he fidgeted with his spoon.

I withdrew my feet but the next moment I held his hand which was on the table and pulled it down under the table. He looked at me. "Leave my hand."

I grinned and held his hand even more tightly as I ate with my other hand.

"How will I eat like this?"

"With your other hand." I said and shrugged.

"I am not lefty."

"That ain't my fault."

He glared at me and I couldn't help but smile sheepishly. "Nandini!" My mom's voice grabbed my attention. "Stop troubling Manik."

I pouted and left his hand. He got rescued. After that I silently ate my breakfast and Manik did the same. Later, before we left for our respective works, my mom called me.

"Yes mum."

"You kissed?" My mom said excitedly and I was taken off guard.

"What are you saying?!" I looked everywhere and anywhere but not at my mum. "Who kissed?"

"I saw that. Outside the door of the guest room you-"

"Well I don't know what you mean. So I am leaving." I cut her in middle, flushed as I tried escaping but my mum held my hand, stopping me.

"He is a nice guy."

"I already know that." I composed myself.

"I am worried that-" She started but I cut her off again. "You don't need to worry about me mum. I'll handle-"

This time she cut me off. "Who's worried about you? I am worried about my son-in-law. I am worried that you'll trouble and bully him."

I shot her a look, more like an accusing look. She was worried about him and not me. Was I even her daughter?

"I am not a bully." I stated, grumpily.

"Yeah! Yeah!! anyway don't bully him. Now go. He must be waiting for you outside."

"Bye." I said grumpily before leaving. As I got out of my home, I saw Manik leaning on the car, engrossed in his phone. I reached him and hit him on his head with my bag.

"Aaahh!" He rubbed his head slightly. "What was that for?"

"Because it was your fault." I said, before going and sitting on the passenger seat of his car.

"Huh? My fault? What did I do?" He asked, innocently as he got in the driver seat.

"You did nothing but still it's your fault."

His forehead scrunched in confusion. He shook his head lightly and just dropped the topic. He then leaned closer to me. I looked straight, sitting put to my seat. My heart suddenly started beating harder.

What was he up to?

He then slowly pulled the seatbelt and tied it for me. "Seatbelt is must." He said before returning to his seat.

Putting my hand on the area of my heart, I patted it gently. He really affected me like no one else. He made me want to lean on him. He made me want to nag and throw tantrums on him. He made me want to irritate him. He made me want to hold onto him. He made me want to give explainations to him. He made me want to listen to him.

This all was so unlike me but then may be this was how liking someone felt like.

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