7. Boyfriend!

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"Nandini you should stop drinking now." I took her glass from her hand and put it away.

She looked at me and sighed. "I just started drinking and you want me to stop." She got up from her seat and leaned towards me, stretching her right arm to reach the glass, but I was adamant on not giving her the glass. She struggled to reach it but despite her struggles, she couldn't reach it.

She had finished a full bottle of beer all by herself and she had just started getting a little tipsy. No doubt her alcohol tolerance level was quite high. She pouted, a little irritated, and trust me she looked kind of cute.

"Fine you keep that glass if you want." She sat back on her seat. "Excuse me, one more glass of beer please." She ordered, politely.

"No, don't mind her." I said to the bar tender.

"I am the one who is going to drink and I am the one who'll pay. So one more drink."


"Ma'am I think you should listen to your boyfriend. You have already drank a bottle of beer." The bartender spoke in my support.

She snickered. "First he is not my boyfriend and second you should mind your own business. So provide me a drink before I file a complaint against you to the owner."

He was clearly hurt by her remark but he had no option but to prepare a drink for her. Somewhere deep down I too was a little hurt. Okay I wasn't practically her boyfriend but still I was her fiancee. So why did she have to deny it? Huff.

"You are so mean."

"I already know that." She said, totally unfazed with my remark. "Tell me something new."

"Why are you like this?" I questioned.

"And how am I like?" She counter questioned, sipping her beer.

"I don't know. I just can't seem to understand you." I said, playing with the straw of my soft drink.

"Even I don't understand myself. So how would you?" She paused. "I feel happy, sad, nostalgic, lonely and don't know what other kind of emotions all at once. Life seems so plain and boring." She said, plastering a smile on her face, as she played with the rim of her glass.

This response was so unlike her but that was when I realized she hadn't been lying when she had said that when she got tipsy she only spoke the truth.

A moment of silence prevailed between us before I spoke out,"Then let me make your life interesting?"

"Should I let you do that!" I could see her gaze soften as she said that but she almost immediately averted her gaze from me, shaking her head lightly. "I think now I am really starting to get drunk."

She gulped the leftover drink of the glass in one go. "I'll go to the washroom and come back." She said as she got up.

I nodded and she walked away from me. I kept on staring at her back until she disappeared in one corner. I got back to my drink and that was when I remembered about the launch party.

"I totally forgot about that. Urghhh! she really has a captivating charm."

I took out my phone and called my dad. After two rings he picked up the call.


"The launch party started an hour ago. Where are you?"

"Actually my umm car broke down. So we are currently at the garage fixing the car." I lied.

Why the hell did I lie? We were currently at the pub right now.

"Then leave the car there and catch a cab to the venue."

"No no dad. The car's getting repaired and the mechanic said that it'll be repaired soon." I lied yet again.

"The car broke down- is that really the reason?" He was doubting my words and why wouldn't he? After all my reasonings were full of loopholes. Huff.

"Dad you don't believe your own son's word."

"Yeah! Yeah! of course I do my son." He said, sarcastically. "Whatever you are doing, it's fine until and unless Nandini's there with you."

"Really??" I was surprised with his reply.

"Yea I'll cover up for both of you. So take your time and get to know each other well." He said and from his tone I knew he had been smiling. This was so unlike him.


"Okay bye. I have guests to attend." He said, before hanging up. He sure was overly excited to get a daughter in law and that too like Nandini.

A while later Nandini was back from the washroom. "Let's go clubbing." She said as she reached me.

"No we can't. We have a party to attend."

"And I told you I hate parties."


"We are not going."

"No we are going." I contradicted.

She made a sad face, crossing her arms around her chest. She was 101%
upto something.

"And you said you will make my life interesting. You are so boring. And to add up you are a big liar." My own words acted as a weapon against me. Huff.

I knew it was worthless trying to persuade her so I gave in. She smiled brightly but her smile dropped almost immediately when I added. "But there's one condition."

"And what is that?"

"You'll let me be your boyfriend."

She smiled. "Were you hurt when I said you weren't my boyfriend?"

I could feel my cheek heat up a bit at her words. "No I wasn't." I denied.

"Oh really!" She smiled, shyly. "Fine. Boyfriend, is it? You are my boyfriend from now on."

I couldn't help but smile at her words. She was mean, rude, witty, sassy and moreover a hard nut to crack but then that was her charm.

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