8. Expect the unexpected

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As soon as we entered the club, the loud music hit my ears and instantly I felt the urge of dancing.

"Wanna hit the dance floor with me?" I asked, looking at Manik. I was 101% sure he wasn't going to join me and yet I asked him. You know I was trying to be polite.

"No, you go." So expected.

"Okay you enjoy yourself then." I said as I walked away from him to the dance floor.

Swaying my body with the music, I felt good. I was totally immersed in myself and for a second I had even forgotten about Manik.

"Hey beautiful lady. May I have a dance with you?" A guy's voice snapped me out of my zone and before I could even reply, I felt an arm around my waist.

"She is my girl." Manik's voice hit my ears and I looked at him with a smug smile. Not bad Manik Malhotra.

"Oh sorry bro." The guy smiled and left us.

"Not bad. So you do know how to protect your girl." I said, loud enough for him to hear.

"No, I wasn't trying to protect you." He turned to completely face me. "I just felt bad for that guy. You know his night would have been ruined because of you, if it hadn't been for me."

I couldn't help but chuckle on his reasoning. "And you want me to believe that." I said as I stepped closer to him.

"Believe it or not. My only intention was to save that boy."

"If that's the case then do you want me to ruin your night?" I wrapped my arms around his neck with a smug smile on my face.

He looked at me and smiled, shyly. But his next move caught me off guard. He swiftly wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer, and strangely my heartbeat doubled.

"Why only night? I want you to ruin my whole life."

I could feel my cheek heat up at his words and I didn't even realize when my lips curved into a small smile. He could really be unexpected at times.

"You really want to gamble your whole life on me?"

He gently waggled his head with his eyes stuck on me. "And why so?" I asked.

"Because nobody compares to you."

We were in one of the corner of the club, with sweating dancing bodies around us and loud music had filled the club's atmosphere, but still when he said those words to me, for a moment, I felt as though the surrounding around me had slipped into silence.

I could feel my heart thumping harder, as I looked into his eyes. And I knew I had fallen for his words but I wasn't sure whether or not I had fallen for him.

"One moment is all it takes to fall in love." I had heard this phrase from my mom quite a lot of times and I thought it would never ever apply to me but now I wasn't sure anymore.

"Of course nobody compares to me. After all I am the one and only limited edition." I said, after snapping out of my thoughts. Zoning out, that was so unlike me.

But still I couldn't help but think, "Do I like him?"

"You sure are and that's the reason I want you." He said, grabbing my attention, as he gently started moving his body while holding onto me tightly.

His steps didn't match the loud music at all but still I found it quite interesting and even I started moving with him, one step at a time. With a huge grin on our face, we had been staring in each other's eyes like a fool and yet I found it fascinating. We were actually doing a slow couple dance, that too in rock music, but we were having our own kind of fun.

"I think I like him."

The next day

After two hours of performing surgery, I was exhausted. I closed my eyes, reclining on my chair, when my phone buzzed.

Sighing, I reached for my phone and unlocked it, only to see a message notification of Manik, and automatically my lips curved into a small smile.


"If you are free then let's have lunch together."

"Okay. I'll be waiting for you in the lobby."


"Actually no. I am already here."

I had just finished typing 'huh?' when I heard the door click. I looked up from my phone screen, only to see Manik entering inside with a small jute hand bag in his hand, and my smile widened.

"I brought lunch." He said, showing me the bag.

"This is unexpected."

"Why so?" He placed the bag on the table, before pulling the chair to my side, and sitting on it.

"Because I wasn't expecting you to come see me today."

"Expect the unexpected." He said as he took out the lunch box. As soon as he unpacked the lunch, the pleasant smell of the food hit my nostrils, making me gush over the smell.

"It smells really good." I complemented as I rubbed both my hands together, all ready to attack the food. "Damn! puri and aalo gobi, that's my favorite. How did you know?" I turned my head to the side to look at him.

"Umm I asked your mum."

"Wow someone's really interested in me." I said, as I took a bite. Damn! it tasted really good.

"Of course, I should be interested, shouldn't I? After all I am betting my whole life on you."

I could feel my cheek heat up at his words and I was left speechless. However, to not make it awakward,I changed the topic,"Who made this? It tastes really good."

"I made it." He propped his chin in the palm of his right hand, looking at me, tenderly.

"You did?"


"You know how to cook?" I looked at him, chewing the puri. I was really surprised with this piece of information.

"I am quite good at it. How about you?"

I shook my head in 'no' as I said,"Except for tea and instant noodles, I don't know how to cook anything else."

"Hmm that's good then. I can be your personal cook for my whole lifetime."

"Not a bad idea." I grinned and he did the same.

We were polar opposite and yet like two opposite poles we attracted one another.

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