11. Spice of my life

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"I am just sick and tired." He said, blankly looking at me. His eyes seemed distinct and I knew he was hurt. Sighing, I slowly climbed on to his lap.

Gently holding his face in between my palm, I looked at him. "You know right! I love you."

He blinked his eyelashes indicating 'yes' . "So I am here for you. Focus on me right now." I said, before kissing him softly and the next moment he was kissing me back hungrily. My kisses had this kind of effect on him. He could never resist it.

~Stupid for you (OS)

If you guys haven't read my new os "stupid for you" then do give it a read.


"Nandini no!! don't even think about it. It's too cold." Manik shook his head lightly, slowly backing away from me and I couldn't help but smirk. "Oh c'mon don't be such a coward. And you are already in the water. So-" I stopped before splashing water on him with my tiny hands. He looked at me, grumpily.

"You are going to pay for this." He said before he too started splashing water on me. The night was cold and the water was even more colder but we were enjoying the moment. We mocked and laughed at each other as we kind of had a water fight.

We neither cared about our clothes nor our health. We both knew we were going to catch cold but it didn't matter.

Later, we both got out of the water. His hoodie had completely been wet and so had his jacket that I had been wearing. We both were shivering as we reached the car.

"My hoodie got wet. All thanks to you." Manik complained as he got in the car.

"Your welcome my ho- Ahh-choo!- honey."

"Ahh-choo!" I sneezed yet again.

"You should have obeyed me. See now you caught- Ahh-choo!" He too sneezed and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"We caught cold together." I grinned. Though I felt a little bit guilty about splashing water on him first but then I wanted him to have some fun in life. His life was too plain and mundane. He really needed a spice like me.

"Ahh-choo!" He covered his mouth as he sneezed. "Are you happy about this?" He shot me a look, more like an accusing look.

"I am just not sad."

"Just not sad." He mimicked my lines with a grumpy face and I felt like pulling his cheeks.

"You are such a cutie."

He looked at me in horror."I am not cute." He denied, grumpily and yet again I found his expression cute. "Ahh-choo!"

I swiftly tossed the wet jacket in the back seat before starting the engine. "You are very cute."

Later, when we reached my home. The house was empty. Empty in the sense that all the guests had already left. As we both walked in, shivering and coughing, my mum rushed down the stairs seeing us. "What the hell have you two done? You both are totally wet."

I could see my mother shooting me glares but I swiftly ignored it. "Mum I am going upstairs to change. Give Manik dad's cloth to change." I said before rushing upstairs.

I could hear Manik sneezing as I walked upstairs and it wasn't any different for me too. My nose was runny and my throat felt dry.

After changing I slid inside the warm blanket but still I felt cold. However I reached for my phone and called Manik. Right after two rings he picked up the phone. "Hello." I could hear his hoarse voice from the other side.

"You changed?" I asked.


"Come in my room then."

"No it's too late. I am about to leave for home." He said.

"Why-" Before I could even say anything to stop him from going, I heard my mom's voice from his side of phone.

"It's too late. So stay here for the night. I have prepared the guest room for you and on top of it you are sick. So you aren't going anywhere." She said and I couldn't help but smile.


"No means no." She said, firmly. "You are staying. Now have this." She probably she had handed him a glass of hot lemon and some medicines.

"Just stay for the night." I said softly and for a moment the line went silent before he spoke out. "Okay. I am staying." I knew he had been smiling and my smile just widened.

Even after an hour of tossing and turning I couldn't fall asleep, so I went to the guest room. I knocked on the door a couple of times before he opened it.

"Nandini!! what are you doing here this late at night?" He said in a sleepy tone, gently rubbing his one eye. Cute!

"I couldn't sleep so I thought of disturbing yo- Ahhh-choo!"

"Come inside." He let me in before closing the door behind him. I then went and sat on the bed, pulling the blanket on me. He looked at me for a brief second, probably hesistating to sit beside me.

"Your cold will double this way. Come here fast." I shifted fully to the left side. He didn't say anything, he just came and sat beside me. Although we had like a metre gap in between us I could feel my heart thump harder. We were just sitting and not even sleeping but still it felt different.

"Manik you are my boyfriend right!"

"Yea!" He said with a small shy smile on his lips.

"Then why don't you ever hold my hand or try to physically intimate with me?" I asked and trust me as I said all these words my heart thumped crazily. I could hear my own heart beat.

He bit his lower lips, flushed. "Uhhh umm it just feels a little awkward."

I couldn't hold back my smile. "I feel the same way. I never felt this way with anyone else but with you it's different."

He looked at me and I looked at him before my coughs ruined our eye lock. He chuckled.

"You know you are the spice of my life. There already has been a list of things that I have done only with you." He said and his words meant so much to me. I shifted closer to him and before he could even register, I pecked his lips.

Our lips met for a few seconds and yet when our lips met I could feel the sparks. He immediately pulled away, totally flushed, as he covered his lips with his hand. "I-I am suffering from cold."

A smile made it's way to my lips. My cheeks felt hot and my heart beat just made it even more worse. "So am I."I replied in a low tone. "I-I am going back to my room." I said, totally flushed. Placing my hands on my crazily beating heart, I plopped out of the bed.

Just when I stepped out his room, I heard him call my name. I turned to look at him. He was standing just a step away from me.

And then before I even knew, he stepped ahead and gently holding either side of my cheeks, he kissed me.

Fingers crossed. I hope you guys loved the update. Please do drop your votes and comments.

And once again if you guys haven't read my new os "Stupid for you" then do give it a read.

Stay healthy and stay happy.

Love ♥️

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