Chapter three

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Chapter three

Caleb and I walk inside our class and we sit quite far away from each other for my own reasons. Caleb is too observant for his own good and I'm afraid I might blurt out everything to him.

The last thing I want is to leave this small and cosy town just because a guy found out about my past...again. Caleb might as well hand me to my tormentor if he figures everything out. Not everyone will forgive a killer and that killer is me.

After the interesting study about human respiration, the bell rings indicating that I now have English literature, the one lecture that I share with Caleb, Charles and Selena. I haven't asked them if they are related or not but I will, soon.

I walk inside my classroom alone, not along with Caleb as he is busy talking to some guy. I find Charles and Selena sitting on the last bench. It seems as if they are busy arguing over something. I sit on the bench which is in front of theirs.

"Hey guys," I chirp. They both look at me and smile after greeting me as well. "What are y'all arguing about?" I broach. They exchange looks.

Selena is the first one to speak. "Charles thinks that I'm overreacting." Charles huffs. "Of course you are," he tells her and then turns to me. "Which girl gets depressed when a small puppy falls sick. I mean, he's not dying. He is just sick."

I frown at him. "First off, there's a big difference between depression and sadness. It is important for you to learn it."

He shrugs. "They both mean the same." Before I could open my mouth, someone speaks for me while sitting beside me. "She's correct, Charles." I snap my head to find Caleb already staring at me. "Right, Amber?" He asks and I nod, completely baffled by this proximity.

"Y-yes." I pry my eyes away from Caleb and look back to Charles. "Depression is a serious illness where you feel like dying and find no hope."

"But sadness is a feeling." He completes my sentence and I nod in agreement. "Wait, you said something that included a puppy. Do you have a puppy?"

Charles shakes his head. "I don't. My girlfriend, Ellie does. His name is Teddy," he tells me and my eyes sparkle. "Can I please meet him and her?"

I love puppies. Who doesn't? Puppies are just so cute and cuddly. I had one, too, but it- ugh, nevermind. My smile fades away when I think about Charlie, the golden retriever that I once had.

I turn around when his image flashes through my mind. Mr. Keith starts teaching us but for the first time I ever, I didn't wish to study English.

"What was the name of your puppy?" Caleb whispers in my ear after leaning in. I look at him wide-eyed. How does he do that? Can he just literally read my mind?!

"Charlie," I mutter bitterly. Tears pool in my eyes. "He was a good pup. A golden retriever. He listened to everyone and was always there to cheer me up until-" my voice cracks.

"Hey, it's fine. You don't have to. I'm sure wherever he might be, he is at peace," Caleb soothes me and places his hand on my shoulder as if telling that everything will be okay which I'm pretty sure won't.

He lets out a deep breath and pulls his hands away. "Do you wish to meet Teddy? He is not that sick." I nod my head as a smile forms on my face.

"I don't think we share any other lectures so, maybe you can wait for me near our locker? Wes, Charles, and I are going at Ellie's anyway."

Our locker. Somehow, I like the way it sounds.

"Can Selena come along?" I ask. He chuckles a bit. "Charles did ask her but she wishes to meet her separately."

"Yeah, she dislikes you," I say nonchalantly and I don't see any changes in his emotions. No sadness or anger as if he has heard worse things than this. "And you?"

I am taken aback by his question. "I don't know. Your first impression was pretty bad. I called you an asshole, remember?"

"Clearly, but are there any changes from the past hour?" He asks curiously. I think for a moment. "A little positive changes? Surprisingly, yes." He flashes a genuine smile at me.

Uh-shit. Am I in trouble? Yes. And is his name Caleb? Fucking yes. But am I going to stop talking to him, though? Absofuckinglutely not.

Next few lectures pass by in a blur. At the end of the school day, I stand in front of mine and Caleb's locker as the hallway starts to empty. Where is Caleb, Charles or Wes? Did they change plans and decided not to inform me? They probably did. I stamp my feet on the floor and begin to stomp away when a manly voice calls me.

"Amber," I turn around to find Caleb standing in front of me. He was slightly bruised. His knuckles are red and just one drop of blood falls on the ground from his nose.

"Oh my God, Caleb." I run toward him and take his hands in mine to examine his red knuckles. "What happened?" I ask and take out a roll of gauze from my bag.

"Got into a fight with someone. It is not bad. Why were you leaving?" He asks and shoves his hands away from mine.

"I thought you changed plans." I grab his hands again and wrap the gauze around his knuckles. He watches me but doesn't say anything. I look up at him and wipe the red trail that blood left with the help of my handkerchief.

"I would never do that without telling you," he says softly. I remain silent and move away from him. We were too close for comfort. I'm comfortable around him but my secrets aren't. "Let's go. The boys must be waiting for us." I nod.

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