Chapter twenty seven (unedited)

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Chapter twenty-seven

"Open the door and head out!" Caleb orders in a low voice, making sure that no one listens to him.

"Why?" I ask while opening the small window. He doesn't say anything and beckons me to come out. I shrug before silently walking out. I closed the door and my hand was suddenly clutched by him. A shriek escapes my mouth but he quickly shuts my mouth with his hand. We hear loud footsteps coming from my left. I widen my eyes and look at him. He tells me to keep calm and follow him.

He pulls me out. The noise of the footsteps fades away. I sigh whilst Caleb drags me into the woods.

"I have to show something to you," he mutters. I remain silent, unsure of what to say. We silently walk into the deep when he makes me pause. He forces me to close my eyes. I frown and close them. He grabs my shoulder and guides me. His touch makes my stomach do a backflip. I try to remain calm.

"Open 'em," he demands.

As soon as I open my eyes, a small smile forms on my face. We were in an open area where there was just one tree in the centre that had fireflies flying around. The tree was lit up with those beautiful insects. I feel his persistent eyes on me which makes my heart go crazy. I could hear it hammer and I wonder if Caleb can hear it, too. In a minute, my eyes fall on the ground where lied a blue mat and some drinks.

"Caleb, it's...ah, it is..." I trail off, unsure of how to express my happiness. I hear him chuckle.

"I know," he says as if understood what I wanted to say. He places his hand on my lower back which sends shivers down my spine and gently beckons me to sit with me.

"I hope it's not cheesy," he says nervously as we sit down. I meet his eyes and smile at him.

"No, it's the nicest thing anyone has done for me," I admit. This brings a smile on his handsome face. We are sitting extremely close to each other and I don't know how to feel about it. It's intimidating and well, makes me nervous. I've never felt like this with anyone before. He doesn't say anything and places his hand on my thigh which by the way, is bare because I was wearing shorts. I had forgotten to change but it is just Caleb. I can be myself with him.

He brushes his finger on my skin. The giddy feeling makes me more nervous so I do something completely stupid. I get nervously get up and walk closer to the tree."For a better view," I explain.

He laughs and gets up to stride toward me. I spin around and realise how close we are.

There's no backing away, Sloane. You know you like him.

My subconscious reminds me and I decide to listen to it. I lean closer to him and he does the same. His soft hand cups my face before he lands his lips on mine. It fervently moves over a mine.

He slides his arm around my waist and pulls me even closer. He kisses me deeply as I react with the same energy. I know I shouldn't do this but I want him. I want to kiss him. I don't care about where I will be next week. All I care about is the guy kissing me right now.

We pull apart and look into his deep eyes. He smiles at me and caresses my cheeks. My grin widens as I peck his lips one more time.

We just stand there, holding each other. My eyes lower. If only this moment could last forever but I have to do this. I have to move away to protect him. I can't be selfish. I like him. Fuck it, I love him that's why I should let him go. He can't be with me. In the end, I know he will get hurt. And I don't deserve him and he doesn't deserve this. I don't want to see the pain in his eyes. I don't want him to sacrifice.

"What's wrong?" He says as he notices my faded smile. I look at him with guilt.

"It's, um, nothing," I lie.

"No, no. Tell me. You're thinking about something," he says grimly.

I slump my shoulders. "I don't think we should, um, do..." My lips quiver at what I was about to say. "I can' with...y-you."

He takes a step back while breathing sharply. "W-what are you talking about? W..why can't we? Is something bothering you?" His voice breaks. I chew my tongue, holding the tears back.

"No, ah, it's just. I can't do this. I...I feel this is wrong."

"Ah, I can't're like, um,  breaking up with me before anything ever started." He drops as his hand down and looks at me with hurt displayed all over his face.

"That's what, Caleb. I didn't want this. I was just playing a game. I was challenged to kiss you but I don't want to hurt you personally. It was all a game of lies," I lie. My heart beats rapidly in my heart. I am a good liar, he will believe me. He has to stay away.

"I don't believe you." He shakes his head. I could see water cornering his eyes.

My hands start to sweat. I press my eyes shut and open to them again to look at Caleb's sad ones. I'm sorry, Caleb. I love you. That's why I'm doing this.

And the next words that leave my mouth breaks the last thread that kept him from not walking away from me. "It was all a lie. I'm Amber. Sloane doesn't exist. It was just that...a dare game."

(Don't hate me. I love you!!;))

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