Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty:

"What?" My voice comes out dry. I cough and look at them with my widened eyes. She is not my mom?

Dad avoids looking at me while my mom or my so-called-mom's gaze softens. "Listen, Amber..." she calls out. I stare at her blankly.

"Your biological mother died when you were one. Greg didn't want to raise you as a single parent so, he asked me for help. Soon, I took your custody," she explains with bitterness in her voice.

Tears pool in my eyes. My lips quiver. "Is..she telling the t..truth?" I ask my dad who nods hesitantly. My legs feel numb as I crash on the floor while crying uncontrollably.

"Sloane!" Dad yelps as he rushes toward me to pick me but I refuse to. I hold a fistful of my hair and pull them.

My whole life has been a lie.

Dad has been lying to me all this time. That is the reason why she treated me like shit when I made a blunder, a life-threatening blunder.

I need to get out of this toxic environment. I can't live with not one, but two liars. It wasn't just me who kept secrets, it was all of us.

I pick up my speed and run outside. Damnit, I don't even have a fucking car. Without thinking about anything, I let my legs take me wherever it could. I don't have the strength anymore. I am tired of this life. There is no peace, no normality, no love...just secrets, just lies.

This time when Reggie comes, I don't care what happens to me. If he wishes to kill me, let him do so. I don't care about my life anymore. If not him, I'm sure I'll be buried because of this overloaded fears.


Two hours pass by. I pull my knees closer to myself. I hug myself tighter. The damp grassy field smells like raw vegetables. I glance up at the clear sky while wiping my tears. There are faint scratches on my arms. I made them. I wanted to scrape my own skin away.

I hear a low voice familiar voice from my left. "Goddamn, I knew you'd be here," Caleb mutters but I'm unaffected. Is it really him or another lie that my mind is playing on me?

Caleb walks closer and sits beside me. "Sloane..." I hear him call but I am paralysed. My tears have dried just leaving a stain on my cheeks. My skin is a pallid shade of eggshell.

He hugs me and I immediately break into his arms. He stays silent and lets me cry. I know I'm wetting his black t-shirt but I don't care and neither does he.

After a few minutes, we pull apart. I look at him into his blue eyes shining with concern. I whimper.

"My mom died when I was one and my dad decided to remarry Rebecca but kept it away from me." My voice is hoarse. He listens to me as if he already had a clue. "My whole life is messed up, Caleb!"

"A few years ago, my cousin Reed and I were at my house in Herntonville alone. We fought over who Charlie loves more..." I begin to unfold that miserable day.

"Oh, my God, Reed! We are not watching Conjuring again. I'm tired of it!" I complained while Reed surfed through a bunch of horror movies on Netflix.

He pushed his long curls behind and smirked at me. "How about some other horror movie?" He asked. This asshole. He knew that I hate horror movies. It scares the crap out of me yet he wanted to choose Conjuring when we two were alone tonight.

Mom and Dad were out on a business trip and were going to return late at night so Reed, my cousin, decided to come over. 

"C'mon Reed, you know I love you, won't you listen to your younger sister?" I pouted while forming the best of my puppy eyes.

He fake laughed. "Younger by just a month. Besides, Charlie loves Conjuring," he pointed out when Charlie jumped on my lap.

"Not at all, Charlie loves me and I love Teen Fiction movies," I said while brushing a hand through Charlie's soft fur. "Don't you, Charlie?" I asked to which my pup barked.

"You mother fucker," Reed cursed Charlie and jumps on him but my smart pup hops out of the bed. He ran behind Charlie while I follow. Charlie got down the large staircase while Reed was running after him.

All of a sudden, Reed's leg twisted and he rolled down the stairs while I screamed his name. I scurried downstairs. He slipped and lied on the ground motionlessly. Blood was oozing out of his forehead with no control.

Tears roll down my eyes. "Oh, my! Reed, please be okay!" I hoped before calling the ambulance.

(What happens next? Can you guess?)

(What happens next? Can you guess?)

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