Chapter six

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Chapter six

I flutter my eyes open. The night pills make me so weak early in the morning. I rub my eyes and sit up, knowing that I can't miss school at any cost. My bed is empty. I hope my dad doesn't find out about anything.

I sigh and walk downstairs, trying to get a clue if they both are fighting or what. It leaves me surprised when I find my mom alone in the kitchen talking on the phone. Looking closely, I realise that it was indeed my phone. My mom huffs and slams the phone on the counter.

"Mom! What the hell are you doing?" I yell and snatch my phone away. She scowls at me and tells, "Your dad came across an accident! Now I'll have to miss my fucking office days and look after him."

What the heck? Dad...oh no.

"Where is he? Let's go!" I say and rush in my bedroom to quickly change. I don't even take a bath. I see my mom waiting near the door with a frustrated look. Does she really not care about him?

Thirty minutes later, I find myself waiting outside the operation theatre. My dad was hit by a drunk driver. He lost a lot of his blood and no one came to rescue on time. He lied there from 2:00 a.m. to 5 a.m. The cops haven't found anything yet. The doctor comes out and sighs. Mom and I rush toward him.

"What happened, doctor? Is he alright?" I ask hurriedly. He pulls his white gloves and mask away.

"He'll be fine in a week. He did hit pretty bad but, he is okay." He turns to my mom and says, "I'll prescribe some medicines for an entire month...." my mom and the doctor walk away while discussing those medications and the diet that he has to follow. I tentatively walk inside. The temperature in the room suddenly drops.

I gasp at the sight. I start to choke on my breath but, still, walk toward him. This sudden feeling of deja vu is worse than what I had expected. He was practically wrapped with gauze. The sight was terrifying.

"Dad," I call out, know that he is not conscious right now. I sit on the small stool and watch him without saying a word. What could I possibly say? Apologise or blame myself for everything? None of it will make any difference. My mom barges inside the theatre while making a loud noise of her heels.

"You look terrible right now. Go home, freshen up, and attend school. I'll be here till then," she orders me. I nod.

"How are you?" I ask. She looks at me, confused. She was wasted yesterday. I am sure her head hurts like hell but, still here she is, making sure that I go to school while she stays with my dad. Maybe, they do care for each other and even me.

"Why do you ask? Not that you care," she replies harshly. Okay, I take my words back. She is doing all this just for show. My dad is a businessman and if he loses his reputation then who'll buy her makeup and expensive dresses?

"I do care about you, mom. If I didn't then I would leave you there on the couch with your crinkled clothes while you were muttering how good that man made you feel and how much you wanted him more!" I raise my voice at her and walk away, not ready to face her reaction.

I reach my school at lunch break. My phone is filled with a number of texts for Wes, Selena, and Charles. I walk to the table where Charles, Wes, Ellie, and Selena are sitting. As their eyes meet mine, they pounce on me with questions.

"Calm down, guys! Let her speak," Selena finally says something sensible. I sigh. Should I tell them? Maybe, I should but, they don't have any clue about my parents and I definitely don't wish to gain any sympathy.

"Woke up late. Nothing much," I lie. They nod their head, convinced by my excuse. My mind travels back to my dad. Did he wake up? Is mom taking proper care of him? Probably not. I just came here a moment ago and I already feel like going. Suddenly, my subconscious reminds me of Caleb.

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