Chapter twenty one

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Chapter twenty one:

Reed was immediately taken to the hospital but, it was of no use. They tried to cure him but, he didn't respond.

My parents faced me after the incident and asked me what happened. I narrated everything I knew but, Reed's mom began to blame me for his accident. She never liked me.

"I didn't do anything!" I said while tears rolled down my eyes. Aunt looked at me and stepped toward me furiously.

Her breaths had fastened with anger. Her face was red and her eyes...they were terrifying. She raised her hand at me and slapped me so hard that a red mark formed on my face.

"Margot!" Uncle Ram shouted. My parents didn't even complain. I couldn't even see sympathy in their eyes.

"I'm sorry. It just happened," I cried. In the far corner, I saw him staring down at the white floor with no emotion.

Crying, I rushed toward him. "Reggie! You don't blame me, do you?"

He looked at me with a cold expression. "Give me a break, Sloane," he muttered in a monotone.

After an hour of complete silence and a few cursed words by my aunt, the doctor and nurses came out of the oppression theatre. The doctor stiffened when all of us approached him and pounced on with many questions.

"We can't be sure. He isn't responding properly."

And till date, he hasn't responded. Reed is in a coma.

"It isn't your fault, Sloane," Caleb says in a low, assuring voice.

I shake my head. "Everyone has made me believe so."

"Everyone is stupid, okay? You didn't do anything."

I remain silent as he throws his arm around me. I snuggle close to him, not ready to leave his warm embrace.

"Please call me Amber around everyone else," I request to which he nods. And in no time, sleep takes over me in his arms. I wish I could stay like this forever.


I flutter my eyes open. My vision is still blurry so, I rub my eyes. My eyes travel around the familiar room.

Caleb's room.

The door opens revealing Caleb in his changed black hoodie and I remember that I am wearing his right now. He gives me a genuine smile.

"Freshen up, bud. Time for dinner," he announces and I give him a perplexed look.

"What time is it?" I yawn.

"Seven-thirty," he answers while throwing a black t-shirt at me which straight comes to contact with my face.

"I slept for so long? What am I doing here?" I ask and the images of my parents-or whoever they are flash in my mind. Caleb must've brought me here after I told him the complete truth except for the Reggie part.

"We'll talk about it later. We both need time to process everything," He says nonchalantly and then orders me to wear his t-shirt if I want to which of course, I do. Anything that reminds me of him, will work for me.

"Do you have a hoodie, instead?" I ask in a low voice. He laughs and opens his closet to take out a black Adidas hoodie. A smile is shot from ear to ear on my face.

"I'll see you downstairs," he shoots me a two-finger salute and rushes downstairs. I thank god for bringing Caleb in my life before wearing his hoodie.


I come back home soon after having dinner with Caleb and his mother. I am honestly drained out completely to have any conversation between dad and so-called mom. I take a deep breath and slowly make my way to my room. I remember Caleb telling me that he had informed my dad that I am safe.

What did I even do deserve him?

He never stopped showing me that he cares for me. But I don't want to pull him into the mess of my life and I am not even stupid to push him away. I can't imagine my life without him or any of my friends. In just a few days, they've made me feel home. Fuck that, their parents have offered me so much of love even when I didn't deserve anything.

I step in the bathroom and take a hot shower. I have no energy to do anything, but the worst part is, I have to face Mr. Bernard tomorrow. I don't know anything about him. It was just a spark of the moment. I was overwhelmed and he was vulnerable.

It just happened.

Sighing, I wear a loose t-shirt and pyjamas before sitting on my desk and taking out all the pending homework. I have to deal with a nightmare a.k.a. Calculus right now.

Two hours pass by when I finally decide to take a break. My brain cannot function right now without a cup of coffee. I need physical energy to deal with biology and French.

I mentally make a note to not let my dad and Rebecca know that I am home. Somethings are better kept unsaid. I tiptoe downstairs and walk into the kitchen to make a cup of scorching sweet coffee. Successfully, I reach my room back again without getting noticed. It is midnight right now and I am guessing both of them are fast asleep.

My phone vibrates.


where's u

i'm home. y?

g8. Ttyl. Keep the back door open.

wth. u guys are comin' over?

He leaves my message on read and in just next ten minutes I hear a shushing voice of someone and before I could even take a guess, the door of my room opens revealing Selena, Ellie, Wes and Charles.

I instantly smile at them.

"What are y'all doing here?" I ask as they walk in and close the door without making any noise. Wes and Charles plop on my bed while Selena sits on the chair. Ellie drinks a glass of water from the nightstand before answering me.

"Caleb said that you're having a bad day. I thought maybe we could help."

"Why didn't he come?" I ask with a little disappointment in my voice. I see Ellie eyeing Selena who winks at her. Wes and Charles whisper something and then chuckle.


"Uh, nothing," Selena shrugs. "He had some work to do."


(Who expects a sequel? Just curious;))

(Who expects a sequel? Just curious;))

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