A World Meeting

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*not edited*

Third person POV

"Alright! Break for fifteen minutes!" A stern German shouted over the noise in the room.

He sighed and turned towards his (boy)friend Italy. But not after glancing at America. He was weirdly quiet today, and lacking a pile of burgers.

The American was sitting in his chair, eyes glassy from the comments thrown at him. He was still smiling. Though weak and with dull eyes, that ever present Hollywood smile rested on his face.

"Hey fatty. Where's your food?" Britain said coming up to him.

"Oh um. I didn't. Um. I-I'm not that hungry." America stuttered out.

The Brit was thrown off. The America he knew didn't stutter. He was so caught up in his thoughts he didn't realize that the American had his eyes downcast and was unusually timid, smile wavering. Waving with his usual 'Bye fatass' Britain walked away.

America POV

I knew he couldn't have meant it. I wasn't even that fat. I worked out. But would they even try to learn that? No. My eyes filled with tears, but I pushed them down.

You cannot cry in the middle of the meeting!

They will find you weak. You are the hero. You are not fat, you are NOT a coward. You are not useless. You are loved and free.

I was so caught up with repeating positive words to myself that I started to smile for real. But I guess I don't have the right to be happy.

I was feeling happy for the first time in weeks, smiling for real, until France came up.

"Hohonhon! Look who I 'ave found sitting all alone. Nobody want to sit with za fat pig like you?" He said, mocking smile on his face.

France was loud, and all the countries looked over.

"You are so right! Look at him! What a Fatty." A country called out, using his hands to mock a generous stomach.

"Ha look at him! Cowards c r y i n g."

My heart dropped. I pushed my chair back, hastily wiping my eyes.

"Ha ha. Yeah right guys! The Hero always smiles!" I said forcing a smile. I got nods from a few nations, and then more insults.

Looking around the room, all I saw were hating nations and people that would rather have me dead than alive. I really was a nuisance wasn't I?

With that thought in my mind, I threw a forced smile at the countries, and ran out of the meeting room.

"The hero has to go now dudes!"

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