A Silent Supper

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Reeeeeee. Goodness gracious I'm tired.
Well. Your hero is back again with some big sad.
America stared sullenly at his lap, not trying to keep any form of happiness on his face.

The nations were currently eating a meal cooked by France. It actually smelled quite delicious, but America didn't want any more comments about his weight.

Earlier, after America had dropped his facade, the nations became increasingly worried. This was not normal. This wasn't the American they all knew. Something was terribly wrong, and the nations were shocked. This led to a awkwardly silent dinner table.

America sighed, looking up and seeing every nation staring at him. He flinched away from their stares, afraid of what they would do now that they saw him so weak.

Everyone saw him flinch, and were shocked that America would display suck a cowardly emotion.

Oh god why wasn't I smiling? Maybe this was a bad idea.

They were all just staring at me. I don't know what to do.

"A-America, are you ok?" England asked, staring at America's untouched plate of food and smile-less face.


"I don't think so comrade," Russia added, staring into his eyes and noticing how dull they were. America's eyes lacked the sparkle of hope and youth that all the nations were used to seeing.

Finally, Italy was the one to breach the subject they were all trying to avoid.

"America! Why are you not smiling! You're the hero! Smile? Ve~"

A-America? A hero. The nation was shocked, and doubtful.

He put on one last sad smile.

"Sometimes the hero needs a break from being strong Italy," America whispered, and walked out.

"Gah what's wrong with America?! He's always running out of rooms!" England complained, not noticing the axis pushing their chairs back and following the young American out of the room.

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