A Shocking Encounter

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Yay! It's a longer chapter. Hope you enjoy! 😊

The axis stared at the nation in front of them. The nation they saw was not the American they knew. He had puffy red eyes, shaking hands, and the most fake smile on his face. His eyes were so dull and filled with pain, which was very different compared to the usually bright and star filled eyes. He was not confident, and almost seemed as if he wanted to run away.

Once America saw the three nations in front of him, he started slightly, and straightened his back.

"H-hi guys, uh, what's up?" He said in a quiet voice. He almost sounded like Canada.

"America! Why were you-a so sad!?
We-a heard you crying!" The small Italian blurted out, launching himself towards America.

Germany reacted quickly, and immediately went after the Italian.
"Why did jou say that!? JOU DUMMKOPF?!" Germany yelled, pulling Italy back to his side and covering his mouth.

"America-San. We are not meaning to eavesdrop, but courd not herp but hear some... noises of sadness coming from the bathroom."

At this, the American perked up and immediately slipped on a mask.

"What? No. Come on dudes! I'm the hero, and hero's save people. I don't have time to be sad! Haha! Bro, seriously, that's so funny! Now, the hero's got some heroic stuff to do! Someone needs me! Haha! Bye dudes!"

Running back down the stairs, the trio just stared at his retreating form. Shocked. How did he get so happy, so fast? There was something wrong, and they wanted to know what.

America POV

I am such an idiot! That whole speech about being the hero? About people needing me? It was a lie. People don't need a hero like me. Every country says so. Every meeting, my hero persona has only driven me deeper into my obnoxious stereotype, and this encounter didn't help that at all. Why couldn't I open up for once?

Because you have NO ONE to open up to, dumbass. No one needs a hero like you. Do you see the other nations? That hate you. They don't NEED you. No one needs a broken hero you emotionally stunted piece of shit.

Did, did no one really need me?

Third Person POV

It was time for supper, and all the nations that were staying at Germany's house made their way to the kitchen. This included all of the G-8, China, Romano, and Spain.

France and England were arguing about who was going to cook, while Germany sorted through the fridge.

Italy was bouncing off the walls, annoying his brother Romano, while Spain was joining in on the fun too.

China and Russia were chatting at the dining table, as Japan swept the floor beneath it.

A quiet Canadian noticed his brother wasn't joining in on the chaos like he normally would. There were no shouts about being the hero, or aliens, but absolutely no sound from the normally loud nation.

Canada looked around and saw his brother sitting on a stool by the door, staring out at the other countries. He decided to see what was wrong. The only other time America was this quiet was during the Great Depression.

"Hi America," a quiet voice said from behind the smiling American.

"O-oh hi Canada bro! What's up dude?!" America said, putting a smile on.

"A-are you okay?" Canada asked.

The American paused at this question.
"Yep! Just fine..."

The Canadian looked at America suspiciously, then walked away again.

"Ohonhonhonhonhon! Angleterre, shouldn't we cook something a little more suited towards America's taste? Per'apse one of zhose disgusting 'amburgures 'e is alwayz eating. Zhen again, we should put him on a diet so 'e is not taking up more space in zhe house non?" France said, staring mockingly at America.


Oh no, not again, he thought, as more insults were thrown at the already shattered American.

He was breaking, and nobody could see.

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