A Confession

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Third person POV

America sat up with a groan. He rubbed his eyes and winced. It had been two hours since he had woken up, and apparently no one knew he was here. He wondered how he actually ended up at the hospital though. Someone would have to called the hospital and brought him there...

The last people he heard from was the Axis. They saw him at his weakest. There was only one thing that he knew they would have done. Told everyone, and use it against him. That's usually what people did to the hated. How stupid could he be? Now there was only more fuel against him.

Suddenly, the door flew open, and a tiny, screaming, ball of pasta and excitement came flying towards him. With a loud OOMPH, he landed on his back, a crying Italian in his arms.

"A-America! I was so worried! Please, PLEASE don't leave us! We Need you!" He cried, sobbing into America's chest.

America was in shock. Someone... needed him? Someone was crying over him? Why? He new it was only a lie, and new he would only be hurt. It HAD to be a lie. No one would actually need someone as pathetic as him.

He turned away and averted his eyes from the door; Kiku and Ludwig making their way in.

"America-San. Why would you do this to yourself?" Kiku said, tears in his eyes.

He refrained from launching himself towards America like Italy had done, but couldn't help but to let tears roll down his face. Even Germany's eyes were a little misty.

America just turned away from them.

"America please. Ve really do care about jou. Please tell us vhy you vould do this to yourself." Germany walked over to the bedside, and placed his hand on America's shoulder. Alfred flinched away from the touch, and Germany quickly retracted his hand.

Did they really hurt America that much?

Kiku finally broke, pulling America into a hug, tears soaking into his hospital gown.

Italy piped up from his position on the bed. He was weirdly serious.

"America. We-a just want to help!"

America was shocked. These three nations. These three people. Really wanted to help them. Alfred has no emotional ties or bonds with them. Except maybe for Kiku. He didn't know they would actually care.

They weren't allies. They weren't siblings. They were practically strangers, but they still cared.

America looked up, his eyes finally lighting up.

"Hi guys."

"Tell us why you are so sad and hurting yourself."

America started to lie, spouting off about his economy, but suddenly stopped. He didn't want to hide anymore.

"I-I just. It was you guys. All the nations actually. They insult me whenever I'm around. I've lost weight, I pay them back, I do anything to try and make them happy, but it doesn't work! They just keep attacking me. And honestly? It hurts. A lot. I'm not as strong as as everybody thinks I am. I'm pathetic and weak. I'm a coward for not stopping them, but I can't! I just can't do anything! Every smile? Every laugh? Me brushing the comments away? It was a mask! A mask! And it was just too much! I can't do anything right!" America ranted, finally breaking down in sobs.

"I just couldn't handle it anymore. The insults, the mocking. Everyone always said something I did wrong. I just thought that if. If I just died. Then everybody's life would be so much better. Mistake free without me to mess it up." America said softly through tears.

Tears trailed down his face. "I really am pathetic."

All throughout America's rant, the Axis had been sitting quietly, asking themselves how they could have hurt America so much. How they could have broken that happy, smiling nation into one that cried and bled and hurt so much.

There was no reason to kill someone's happy self. There was no reason to push someone down so low that they thought they were worthless. That they thought that the world would be a better place without them. No reason.

America was going to be happy again.

The Axis would make sure of it.

Smile, HeroOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora