An Important Lesson

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"But why don't you stop them? You are one of the strongest countries. They wirr for sure risten to you."

America sighed. It wasn't that simple. How was he going to explain it?

"It really is my fault that I'm here in the first place. I don't stop them because it helps." He then paused, sighing again. His explanation was trash.

Italy shot him a confused look.

"Ve~help who?"

"The whole world. They just need to take their anger out on one person. They only need to hate one person... and that person is me. It just started as an act. A 'oh I'm the hero let me do this. I can handle it I'm powerful.' But then it just spiraled and spiraled. The insults just kept going deeper and hurting more, and I just started to believe them. Most of them are true anyways," America responded in a small voice.

The Axis was shocked. How could some so young try to take responsibility of something like that? America was really much more than the mask he put up.

Alfred stared down at his hands. After his response he heard nothing from the three nations around him. There was silence.

They were ignoring him again. He really just wasn't important enough. Pushing back the tears that were about to spill he chocked out a strained laugh and flashed a watery smile at them.

"B-but hey, it's my fault and it was really dumb of me. You guys can um leave if you need to."

"Nein. Nein America," Germany said in a soft voice, " Jou are so strong. I doubt anyone else could have endured this as long as jou have. Ich know I couldn't."

Germany reached over and gave America a tight hug, trying to squeeze out the sadness. Trying to make him better.

He normally wasn't so touchy. It was the guilt. The guilt of not sticking up for a fellow nation. A nation that had helped him. He let the teasing and the tormenting go on until it broke some. Until it shattered a happy soul.

"Jou are a hero America. A hero," Germany muttered into America's shoulder.

He felt a tap on his head. It was America.
He was smiling. And it looked. Real. Then he promptly burst into tears.

The axis stared in shock.

Japan rushed over, "America-San, what is happening?"

America just cried harder as the axis slowly backed up.

"Thank you guys so much," he sobbed.

Japan sighed in relief. They were happy tears. He didn't make his friend cry.

"But America ve~ you really are a hero! You do so much and make everyone happy!" Italy added.

"Jou make everyone smile."

"And now it is your turn America-San."

The Axis trio paused and looked at each other. They glanced at America, and all grinned. He would get better.

"Smile, hero!"

•The End•

Omgggggggggg. Guys it's done. Thank you so much for supporting me through this book! I loved reading and seeing all of your funny and supportive comments! (I know there is a group of people out there plotting to kill France. 😂) anyways. I just want to thank aaaaaaaallllllllllllll of you guys for sticking through to the end. This was my first writing piece, and I hope there are many more to come.

Don't worry. I have a lil epilogue coming. It's really short. Not much. And once again.

Thank you!

•remember to smile 😊

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