treinta y ocho- baby tomatoes

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Leyla's pov

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Leyla's pov

"Good job baby." I smile at Oscar's test score.

He grinned all happy as i hyped him up.

He was doing so good in school now.

People say im the reason he's doing good but you cant ever make someone do anything. They do it on their own.

Then the bell rang for lunch.

We packed up our shit and walked out hand in hand.

"Your hands are sweaty." Oscar looked at me with a smirk.

"Homie thats you. I make you nervous." I look at him funny as he chuckled.

"You're funny."

Then we made our way to the usual hang out spot.

"Yooo Oscar!" My brother practically pulled my boyfriend away.

"Oh okay." I laugh as i take a seat next to Martín.

"Ooo baby tomatoes." I steal one of Martín's tomatoes from his salad.

"The baby tomatoes are the best." I bit down on it as it bursted in my mouth.

"They taste like ass." Martín shrugged.

"Oh so you eat ass? Whoever's ass tour eating must taste good then cause baby tomatoes are the best." (WTF AM I WRITING AT THIS
POINT) I tease making him smile at my dumb comments.

"You are dumb."

"I think im pretty funny."

"Not really." Martín laughed.

"Why are you laughing then?"

"Im laughing because you think you're funny."

"At least i have a personality." I poke his arm as he rolled his eyes.

"Anywaysss are you gonna take your funny ass to work today?"

"Yeah." I laugh. "Maybee i'll consider going." I smile at him. I kinda forgot i had a job.

"That one old lady keeps coming in. She keeps dissin on my hair."

"Still?" I laugh.

There was this old lady who would come in the Taqueria and just roast the fuck outta Martín's hair.

There wasnt even anything wrong with it. She just thought it was ugly.

"She brought scissors yesterday. She tried cutting my hair when i was tryna get her order."

"No wayyyy." I laugh. "And i missed it."

Oscar's pov

"They seem a little close." Viv pointed over to Leyla and Martín who were laughing about god knows what.

"They just friends." I roll my eyes at Viv's comment.  "Dont turn it into something it isn't."


You think Martín and Leyla's close ass friendship will be a problem for Oscar?

You think Martín and Leyla's close ass friendship will be a problem for Oscar?

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Fuck that i'll sit outside

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