Chapter 10

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I sat down in front of my vanity while Berlin was curling my hair in loose curls.

"How did you and Alpha Roman meet, if you don't mind me asking?" She looked at me through the mirror while she finished up the final touches.

"It's a funny story actually, I was looking out my window and I saw him in the forest. I don't know what made me do it but I went outside and followed him into the forest until we got to the wall. And I would never tell him this because it would boost his ego too much, but he was the most handsome male I have ever seen in my whole life." I said laughing. I couldn't help but smile as I thought about the very first day we met.

"And from there on every time I got home butterflies would fill my stomach knowing that all I had to do was look out my window and he would be there. It was like suddenly he became my everything." I continued.

The feeling is mutual.

I blushed bright red as Berlin smiled at me.

"It sounds like my mate and I. His name is Chris and I remember, the alpha sent me on a mission into the city to spy on the priest. Chris is apart of the churches council and his job was to protect the priest. I went to attack him and as soon as I touched him I knew. The next day he quit the council." She said smiling.

She put down the curling iron and grabbed a couple pieces of hair in the front of my face and pinned them back.

"You know when Alpha Roman first met you he came back in the best mood anybody had ever seen him in. He said he found his mate and that we would get our Alpha Female. He had been watching you for a few weeks before you guys officially met. He'll probably kill me for this but he would go into the forest when you would sit out there and he would just watch you, admire you from far. The day when he found out that you would go into heat, he told everyone that the southern entrance was off limits. He slept by the entrance every night, making sure no unmated males would find you."

My heart sped up as she continued to tell me about Roman. I think I just fell more in love with him.

I would do anything for you. I would go to the greatest lengths just to see you smile.

Roman, if you were still wondering whether I trusted you fully, just know that I trust you with my life. There's nothing more in this world I would want then to be your mate.

I swear to the moon goddess I'm about to crumble these damn walls just to get to you.

I miss you.

I miss you too baby, only a little longer until you are back in my arms.

Berlin gently squeezed my shoulder and smiled at me through the mirror. I tried to smile at her the best I could without crying.

"How about we get started on your makeup, the faster this night is over with, the faster you'll be in his arms again." I nodded along to her words and she turned my chair around so she could start doing my makeup.

It took a few minutes but she ultimately finished pretty quickly. She turned me back around again and I almost gasped as I saw myself. I didn't recognize myself, I never knew I could look this way. I had a light brown Smokey eye with winged liner and a light maroon lip that complimented my dress.

"Thank you so much Berlin!" I stood up and hugged her and she hesitantly returned it.

"This is so weird, I'm not used to touching Alphas." She whispered. I just laughed and squeezed her a little harder.

"Adalyn!" My mom called me as she started walking up the stairs.

"I guess this is my cue to go, but don't worry I'll be at the ceremony tonight." She smiled walking towards my window.

"I'll never understand how you guys just jump out of windows." I laughed.

"It comes easy to those who have been running around secretly for years." She responded with a smile. She jumped out just as my mom opened my door and she gasped as she saw me.

"Oh Darling! You look beautiful!" She gasped bringing me into her arms.

"Whoever picks you tonight will be such a lucky man!" She smiled.

"Thank you momma. Where's dad?" I asked. Her smile fell for a second but she recovered it immediately.

"Oh he just went into to town to get a few things."

It was happening again. I could see it in her eyes.

"Well I'll let you finish getting ready, we got to be out the door in a few minutes." She gently kissed my cheek before she left my room, shutting the door behind her.

I sighed and stood in front of my body length mirror, flattening my dress.

You look absolutely stunning baby girl.

My cheeks flushed a bright red as his silky voice entered my mind.

I wish you were here.

Me too baby. Soon, I promise.

I gently smiled and grabbed my light pink heels from my closet, slipping them on and making my way downstairs.

"I'm ready to go mom."

"Oh great! I'm so excited for you!" She smiled looping my arm with hers. 

"Me too." I said, forcing a smile.

I lied.

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