Chapter 30

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I stared at her in complete shock, my lips moving back and forth like a fish out of water.

"He was an Alpha from a pack not too far from here. See I was blessed by the moon goddess with a womb that was able to carry a werewolves baby, we mated and that's how you came to be." She said, tears gently collecting in her eyes.

"I- What? Dad's not my father?" I shakily asked, covering my mouth with my hand.

"No he's not, I'm sorry. I should have told you earlier when I had gotten the chance, now it's too late." She mumbled shaking her head.

"Wait does that mean I have a womb to carry a werewolf baby too?" I asked looking up at her. Adrenaline pumped through my veins at the idea of being able to carry Roman's children, but to my dismay she gently furrowed her eyebrows shaking her head no.

"No baby, you're a hybrid. You're half human, half werewolf. See you carry around the same abilities that wolves have but you yourself don't have a wolf. But to answer your question, yes, you can carry a werewolves baby. Your body is a lot stronger then you believe it to be." She whispered, grabbing onto my hands.

"I'm a what now?" I whisper yelled looking at her with wide eyes.

"I'll explain more later, we have to go or else he will know something is wrong. You have to act like everything is normal." She said opening the door.

She walked out grabbing her cross chain from the counter and clasping it on around her neck before pouring three glasses of tea, taking one for herself and Monara, handing me one for myself.

"Sorry for the wait Father, I couldn't seem to find the tea I usually drink." She hummed gently handing the cup to him.

"Oh no worries." He smiled, tilting the glass to his lips and taking a sip.

I see he made himself comfortable. He was sat on our couch, his feet kicked up on our light wood coffee table.

I could barely think with all the thoughts that swarmed my mind.

I was a hybrid? What the hell was that supposed to mean?

I shook my head, looking down into my cup of tea.

"Something wrong my dear?" Monara asked tilting his head at me with a mischievous smile.

"No, nothing." I smiled taking a sip from my cup.

"Well thank you for the tea but we really must get going now. We have some duties to attend to back home, but it was very lovely seeing you." He said standing up.

"Thank you for stopping by, it was wonderful to see you and my daughter." My mom said standing up as well.

Monara went to the front door, grabbing his coat from the rack as my mother came over and hugged me.

"Stay safe." She whispered gently squeezing me tight.

I nodded my head and turned to Monara who already had the door open and was ready to step outside.

He motioned for me to walk through the door and I did as we both made our way back to the car where Maddox sat.

"Father." He greeted bowing his head once again as we climbed into the car.

"Maddox, I have a meeting to attend to at the church, you can drop me off there and bring Adalyn here, home to the palace." He said looking at me.

"Of course Father." Maddox replied, reversing out of my parents driveway as we once again began the silent drive back.

"Adalyn, when you get to the palace, go straight back to the room where we came out of. That's where we will be staying." He murmured, scooting his body closer to me.

I hugged the door of the car the best I could as I crossed my thighs, trying to hide as much bare skin as possible. I furrowed my eyebrows as confusion overtook my features.

"I thought you said you were finding me a new husband. What do you mean I'll be staying with you?" I asked looking straight ahead at the back of the leather headrest.

He chuckled deeply as he combed his hair back with his narrow and pointy fingers.

"I thought I made that very apparent back there, I am your new husband. You will be staying with me until our wedding." He smiled, his beady eyes looking directly at me.

I could feel Maddox's eyes on me from the rear view mirror as we all sat in silence once again.

"That's not fair." I whispered, tears filling my eyes.

"Hmm what was that dear?" He asked turning towards me once again.

"I said that's not fair. I came back here with the promise that you would keep Roman and my family safe as long as I lived within the city." I murmured, trying to control my breathing that seemed to become more erratic by each passing moment.

He chuckled deeply again, his chest rumbling from my sentence as he found it to be the funniest thing he has ever heard.

"Darling, I did not promise you anything. Now I agree, I will keep your parents out of harms way but if that mutt so much as enters these city walls again, I will serve his head on a silver platter, just for you to see. Now as for the other part of the letter I made no promise to you as to who your husband would be. I have chosen in your best interest that it should be me." He smiled, his lips pulling up to reveal the sharp canines the ran out past his lip.

My fists tightened after his words. If he even touched Roman, I would kill him myself.

"So you lied to me. You said you would never harm Roman again. That's part of the reason I came here, not so I can play house with you and fulfill some sick fantasy of yours!" I yelled, narrowing my eyes on his face as I crossed my arms across my chest.

His eyes darkened, narrowing them on my face as his eyebrows pulled down with it, showing his unhappiness. He didn't respond for a while but just tapped his finger on the door of the car, with every second it seemed as if the tapping got louder and louder, filling the quiet space with an eerie howl.

"You will live here and you will like it. I could have killed you and Roman on the spot. Sliced through your precious flesh like it was nothing more than a steak dinner. Remember that Adalyn and count your graces because if you keep this up, there won't be anymore to count." He said so lowly that I almost couldn't hear him.

I became very aware of the silence that enveloped us like a plastic wrapper, suffocating me the longer it was held there. The sky outside was dark, clouds rolling in above the walls, leaving little to no light to shine through the cracks in the sky.

The car came to a stop and I looked out the window, seeing the church that once represented the only hope for humanity I had. The place where god supposedly lived but I was beginning to think that god only existed in my mind.

"Remember what I said Adalyn." Monara said, opening the car door and exiting before he slammed it shut with a push.

I looked at the space that he once occupied in the car and shivered. I don't know how I was going to survive the rest of my life here inside these walls. I felt the freedom once and I don't know if I could carry on without feeling it again.

I made such a stupid mistake and I don't know if I can fix it. I should have known I couldn't trust Monara, it was stupid of me to believe that he would stay true to his word. I just wanted Roman's suffering to stop, he already went through too much with his past to be put through more.

I sighed leaning my head against the window of the car door. It hurt me more than I cared to admit being away from him but I know that it was for the best. I could protect my mom and him by being here.

"Alpha we're here." Maddox said catching me off guard.

"What?" I mumbled sitting up straight look at him through the mirror with wide eyes.

"I said Ma'am we're here." He said, I could see the glint in his eyes.

Did he actually say what I think he said?

Thank you to all of you who continue to vote and support my story, it truly means the world to me <3

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