Chapter 35

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"We have to go get my mom first." I said.

They nodded their heads and continued to think of a plan.

"Monara won't let you leave his sight so we have to distract him somehow while you escape." Lynn said looking at the rest of the girls.

"We can do it!" Phoebe laughed looking at me.

I smiled and looked at them.

"I have to get to Monara's office before I leave. There's something in there I need to find." I said.

They nodded their heads and I sighed looking at the clock on the wall. It was already 5:36pm and I know that Monara would come looking for me soon.

It was like they read my mind as Fiona stood up and reached her hand out to me.

"I better get you back before Monara sends out a man hunt for you." She chuckled.

I grabbed on to her hand and she helped me up leading me out to the hallway. We walked silently down the hall and after a while she broke the silence.

"I really hope you get home. Even if I couldn't I want to make sure you do." She whispered.

"Thank you Fiona, it really means a lot." I said.

She led me down the stairs and to the dining room where Monara was sitting with a pile of paperwork. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Done with your dress?" He asked placing the paperwork down and sitting back in his chair.

I nodded my head with a fake smile and went to sit down across from him. Fiona smiled at me before she turned around and walked away.

"Now that your dress is done, our wedding will be tomorrow. I had all of the palace committee work on it all day long." He sighed looking at me.

I nodded my head.


I had to leave tonight.

"Malone get Adalyn some food." Monara said waving his hand as he picked up another document from in front of him.

"Oh no it's okay. I ate with the girls so I'm not too hungry." I smiled.

He looked up at me eyeing me for a minute before he nodded his head and told Malone it was fine.

"If you don't mind I think I'm gonna go to bed a little early tonight. You know I gotta get my beauty sleep for tomorrow."

"Of course my darling, you know where our room is. I'll be up there shortly." He mumbled reading the piece of paper in front of him.

I walked out of the dining room and before I could get any farther a hand shot out and grabbed on to me. I almost let out a scream but quickly suppressed it when I saw it was Fiona.

She held her finger to her lips as she pulled something out of her pocket.

"Lynn found this, it's apparently the drug that Monara was giving to you. If we can put this in his drink or something then he'll be knocked out tonight giving you time to escape." She said.

I looked at the tiny bottle and it was a clear liquid that bubbled when it shook.

"Can you do it?" I asked looking up at her with wide eyes.

She nodded her head and looked to the kitchen door.

"I may need your help distracting the chef." She said biting her lip gently as her green orbs studied mine.

"Of course." I said smiling lightly.

We walked into the kitchen and the chef had placed a glass of red liquor on the counter before he looked at us.


"Can I help you?" He said raising one of his eyebrows and crossing his arms.

"Um yes! Hi I'm Adalyn, Monara's soon to be wife." I said smiling. I walked to the opposite side of the kitchen as Fiona stood by the door.

"I was wondering if Monara had picked out a cake flavor yet? I told him I wanted to be apart of the planning in some way!" I laughed leaning against the counter.

"Ahh, he didn't make a final decision yet, but I do have some of the options in the fridge here. I'm Malone by the way." He said walking towards me before he opened the fridge next to me.

I looked at Fiona and raised my eyebrows urging her to pour the liquid in the cup. She nodded her head and briskly walked over to the cup, pulling the small bottle out of her pocket.

"So I have three options. He either wanted the Banana buttercream, ginger spice, or red velvet. But I think he was leaning towards the red velvet." He said pulling three plates out of the fridge. I looked over his shoulder curiously, not going to lie they looked pretty good.

I looked back at Fiona to see she was walking back to the door. She nodded her head and I let out a sigh of relief.

"You can try these and let me know which one you want but I have to give Monara his drink." He sighed smiling at me. I looked up into his brown eyes and smiled.

"Thank you." I said.

He picked up the glass and walked out the other door that led to the dining room.

"We did it!" I whispered yelled running towards her with my arms open. She giggled and hugged me tightly back.

"Let's get you back to your room." She said giggling.

"I'm sure he'll be up there soon so we better go." She sighed grabbing on to my hand.

We began walking back to the room and when we got to the door I sighed and thanked her.

"Bye Adalyn." She smiled.

"Bye." I whispered.

I opened the door and sighed, closing it behind me. The window was still open on the side of the room, a small draft coming in and cooling off the room. I subconsciously placed my hand on my stomach and looked down gently patting it.

"I promise I'm going to get us out of here." I whispered.

I softly smiled and sat down on the bed. I would be lucky if I didn't have a hundred little babies growing inside of me considering how many times Roman came inside of me.

I giggled and shook my head laying back against the bed. A small knock on the door caused me to look up as the door was gently pushed open.

Monara walked in but his balance was terrible. He was leaning every which way and trying hard to keep his balance. Similar to what happened to me.

"Do you need help getting to bed?" I asked standing up.

He nodded his head with a chuckle and I gently grabbed on to his arm and lead him to the bed. He quickly collapsed and laid still on the bed, his body not moving besides from his chest moving up and down with every small breath.

I looked at the clock and it read 8:57pm. I tiptoed over to Monara and let out a sigh of relief when I noticed his eyes were shut and small deep breaths came from him. He was asleep which gave me time to escape.

I smiled to myself as I quietly walked to the door reaching out and grabbing on to the doorknob. My smile immediately dropped when I realized the goddamn door was locked once again.

Fuck me.

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