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  "It wasn't suppose to go this way! I wasn't suppose to get attached they told me this! They warned me if I did, then he would be a goner! They said if didn't get on the inside then I would be six feet under ground. So I did what I must to save my brother the only way I knew! And I know I didn't do it the right way, but it was the right way at the time." I took a deep breath out and looked at the interviewer.

  "I wanted to save my brother was all! Know the two people I love the most are gone and it's all my fault! So none of this matters anymore."

-4 Hours Earlier-3rd POV-

  "Oi, baby!" Bakugo yelled out hoping for a response from his girlfriend. Walking to her room he heard yelling from her room. He was about to burst in, literary, but stopped when he heard what was happening.

  "I want out!" She yelled you a unknown voice, obviously afraid.

  "You can't back out know! You know I'll make sure your brother doesn't see the light of tomorrow!"

  Bakugo's eyes widened as he recognized the voice as the leader of L.O.V. "What the hell is dry hands doing here?"

  "I-I'll save him! I just can't do this anymore! The lying the blackmailing! It's torture in itself!" Bakugo it even more confused, Y/n was always so happy and cheerful. Was she masking her real pain?

  Then it finally sunk in, his girlfriend was the traitor. Without thinking and in anger her kicked her door down to she her shaking in front of Tomura.

  "Your the F-CKING TRAITOR!"

  "That seems like an issue you should sort out yourself!" Tomura said then quickly melted into a puddle.

  "Bakugo, you don't understand." She said quietly, Bakugo wanted to rip her vocal cords out right then and there.

  "I DON'T CARE! WE ALL TRUSTED YOU! A-AND CARED ABOUT YOU! BUT YOU HER THE TRAITOR THIS WHOLE TIME!" His yelling grabbed the attention of everybody who gathered at her dorm room. To see Y/n shaking, and harshly crying, and a furious Bakugo.

  "Bakugo! What the hell did you do?" Kaminari asked him, more like yelled at him.

  "WHAT DID I DO!! SHES THE TRAITOR WE'VE ALL BEEN SO WORRIED ABOUT! THIS F-CKING B-TCH SOLD US OUT AND WAS A FAKE!" They all gasped and Y/n broke down even more, Bakugo rolled his eyes and grabbed her by the collar and held her up.

  "WHY! Answer me!" His glossy eyes tried searching for an answer a reason to understand this all.

  "They have my brother, a-and they killed my parents in front of me. I had no choice! It was the only way."

  "THERES ALWAYS A CHOICE! You had us, I could of protected you." He set her down and they both broke down in each other's arms.

  "We have to save him." She finally said, Bakugo nodded and realized all the heroes were at a meeting that was at least across the state.

  "What are we gonna do?"

  Deku stepped up and gave a betrayed smile. "We save Y/n."


  They were inside, fighting while the rest were handling the weaklings outside. They were doing a good job until they brought her brothers dead corpse out. She stopped immediately and her gave showed no signs of life. Bakugo noticed and everybody stopped fighting.

  "Can't you see there was no point in you coming here, HA and for what to save a corpse." Dabi threw the body towards her, they could feel the bloodlust everywhere across the world. Midoryia tried to get them to leave since they knew Y/n was going to have an outburst.

  "You damn nerd! Let me save her I know could do it!" Bakugo gave him a  determined face and understood the only way to get up out was to drag his dead body out. And that's exactly how it was.

  "Y/n look at me! I can't have you leave me just yet! I still need to prove to you I'm going to be number one! We can out of this together, the police will understand, and so will the heroes. The media will sympathize with you! You can live free with me, and we could grow old together like we're suppose to! And damn t you better be listening to me because I won't go this soft ever again! I love you! God damnit I LOVE YOU! AND CAN'T LOSE YOU! WE HAVE TO OPEN THAT AGENCY TOGETHER, and reach #1 TOGETHER! I love you, and this won't stop me from loving you!"

  There little to no response from her lifeless face even though on the inside she was screaming 'I love you back."

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