In the Depths- Paranormal prompt

62 10 46

Darkness is all I have ever known. I got used to it, but what I can never get used to is the loneliness. All alone in these murky waters, all I ever wanted was a friend.

Everyone needs someone, and I am not an exception. Although I live at the bottom of the sea, I am quite a friendly creature. I love making new friends and learning about the world above me.

It is captivating for me, the world of light and color. The same one I've heard a few sea creatures that do manage to reach me talk about, and it makes me wonder.

How does it feel to be in the light of day, to see all those colors they are all so fascinated by?

Don't get me wrong, I love my home, but sometimes I just need a friend to share my thoughts with. I need someone to listen to me rant about the beauty of my home and to satiate my curiosity about the outside world.

The problem is, I am still a predator, it's in my nature. Therefore, every time I do encounter a new friend to spend my time with, I end up devouring them. I don't mean to, but the flesh of other beings is so utterly delicious, I can't control myself.

The hunger grows inside me until it is all I can think about, all I am. Then, I slaughter my friends and feed on them until I am finally full. Only then do I realize that I am all alone again and more desperate than ever.

I know what you are thinking, but I am not on a prowl for new victims, I am looking for friends. It's not my fault that they always become the victims of my overwhelming hunger. My very nature is to blame.

Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that I am always shrouded in darkness. Maybe that's why my soul craves to take another's life as much as my body needs the nourishment.

What is the difference between a friend and a victim when one is bound to turn into another? As soon as the power of dark and gloomy sea depths overrules the more tender instincts in my being the line becomes blurred.

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