Big cat love

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Your pov

What just hit me!

Shifting a bit under the large amount of weight on me I try to get a good look at my attacker. I'm met with beautiful eyes fulled with a excitement that can't be explained and a mass of golden fur forming a main. The lion looks at me almost fondly. 


"Y/n are you alright!?" yells Zioni as she and the others come rushing towards me. Awe they really do care about me.

Giving a sigh I reply, "Yup I'm fine. Aslan get off me I'm glad to see you to but your crushing me."

He thankfully gets up. Sitting up I look into his eyes ...... and then licks my face and pins me to the ground playfully by my shoulders.

"So thats how it's going to be huh?" I say. Well I need the exercise anyway.

No ones pov

Y/n quickly pushes the lion off of her using her legs successfully. Taking his front paws in her hands she starts to roll around with him, both trying to pin the other to the ground. Wrestling with each other playfully as a form of a fun and greeting. 

Mr Brown stared: awestruck. A simple girl able to be so calm with a lion, both acting like a family. He had heard about this but never could imagine it being so playful. It was like a brother and sister play fighting. 

Zioni's mouth was open and eyes wide. You mentioned playing with the big cats but this! This was not what she expected.

Harry looked at you more as a role model each passing second, new thing found about you and he couldn't believe you could have such a strong connection to such a proud and dangerous predator.

Ben looked at how every now and again Aslan would gently bite your wrist in an attempt to pin you and you would try and get on top of him while rolling around. He couldn't help but stare at you two.

Professor  Sumdac fainted.....

The two snobs? They were already on their way to their new home, not witnessing the amazing sight.

Suddenly Aslan was able to pin you roughly to the ground, letting out another roar to tell the world he was victorious.

You rolled your eyes playfully and said "Alright alright. You won no need to gloat."

If a lion could smirk that would be exactly what he would be doing. But instead he settled with dragging you by your shirt off into the thick jungle like environment that was the sanctuary.

Ben took a chance and ran over to the two of you, but Aslan wouldn't have another male near you. He released you, now growling at Ben as if saying to him "Fight me".

A snakes treasure (snakeformers x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt