Not these two again

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No ones pov

As you slipped back into your previous sleeping state Megatron smirked victory. His optics slowly returned to their ruby like colour instead of the blood like colour you saw. Something very important that the autobots forgot to tell you this mech possessed. 

Snakeformers have certain ... gifts so to say. Abilities that they posses that can be both powerful or weak, insignificant or useful. They can be connected to an object or to themselves and often it it the latter. Foe example Shockwave can shift into the form known as Longarm, many don't suspect anything from him as Longarm has the abilities to stretch his arms quite far. And another example is the very powerful gift that Megatron just used on you.


It is completely unique to him and him alone. His optics turn a blood red and whatever he says the victim does. It cant affect anyone mentally or make them tell you useful information but physically anything can be commanded. Forcing the victim into unconsciousness is one of the easiest commands. There is no escape and until he says so you can't wake up. Unless he's, well ... dead. Then you will automatically wake up.

But that ain't happenin anytime soon.

Slowly Megatron releases his servo from your mouth, your chest rising and falling in a slow and gentle rhythm in his massive coils. His other servo gently went back to stroking your hair, playing with it slightly. Megatron steadily liys on his back and releases you from his tail. Your form lays against the warlords chasis on your stomach, your shirt slightly lifted to show some of the skin on your back.

Megatron sighs in relief. He honestly was hoping for you to awake so that he could hypnotise you to fall asleep. The deep dreamless sleep he had forced you into would make it look like the encounter was a dream, but one that you would remember as clear as day. It made his spark swirl rapidly inside his chasis at the very thought of your surprise once he revealed this to you ... eventually. He would definatle return you to your room as soon as the sun begins to rise, he didn't want you to remain in a sleeping state for the rest of your life -definitely not- and he needed you to trust him somehow. But he can think about that later, right now he has you against him.

His bottom two servos made their way to your body and begin to gently stroke your back. Without your knowing you smile in your sleep and lean into the decepticon's leader's touch. He chuckles at this and begins to stroke you arms with his remaining servo. That is until he notices a small [*cough* huge *cough*] bite mark near your shoulder. More specifically Kaa's bite mark. He recognises it as the snake's that attacked him bite. He had received a bit from the boa but it was not sevier enough to leave a mark. But he could see it was his.

He glares at the bite mark with absolute hatred, as if by him staring it will magically disappear. Not the case. He sits back up, shifting his tail behind him so that it's like he's sitting on a chair, and inspects your body closer. Catching sight of the multiple bite and scratch marks littering your body. The snake's unfortunately the most noticeable.

"How could such a small human have so many scars?" he questions aloud. But then he remembered your file stating you used to work at a wild life animal shelter. He mentally facepalm himself for not realising that sooner. He sighs and sits you on his lap. A human that clearly has a spark (unlike most the humans he's met) and a good one at that, along with a strong bond to nature and it's animals. You truly are a unique human.

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