Untitled Part 20

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Yahoo onto past 20! Never knew I would be making this book this long. But still I think I've done pretty well with this book, it is my most successful so far. Okay now I'm shutting up and enjoy the chapter!


Your pov

With a sigh of satisfaction I go underneath the surface of the beautiful running water. I really needed this, it's been a while since I've had some alone time, not a worry in the world on my mind. Yeah that's a lie I'm still stressed. But now a lot more relaxed, it's amazing how something as simple as a dip in a river can calm oneself so much.

Breaking the surface I take a large gulp of ear, my hair covering my eyes. 

"You look quite nice when your smiling." a deep voice complements.

I jump in shock at the voice, slipping on the wet stones beneath my feat causing me to go back under water. A large black hand suddenly  breaks through the surface of the water, seazing me by the waist and gently bringing me out of the water. What the hell? I cough a bit before looking at the person who gave me a heart attack. Red eyes stare into my e/c ones, an amused smirk stretched across the owners face.

"Megatron." I whisper.

Megatron's pov

She whispers my designation quietly, almost not even audible. Her shining e/c optics are widened in shock. It suits her well.

"Hello y/n." I chuckle, carefully setting her down on a nearby boulder that helps her come to my optic level. The beauty covers her mouth in surprise.

"How ... how do you know my name?" she asks, taking a step back ready to run and in a defensive position clearly not trusting me. A small pang of guilt shoots through my spark. It is my fault she is like this, if I hadn't  been so rash and just introduced myself properly this wouldn't have been a problem.

"I have been watching you." I say honestly. It is the first step into gaining her trust.

She continues to stare at me, I can smell her fear. "Why?"

"I was there when you were first here. When that lion and yourself were playing." I say with a gentle smile, the very memory of the two makes my spark beat increase.

"I was curious as to why you have such a connection with animals."  her expression softens along with her body relaxing. Her optics never leave mine, almost like the are staring into my spark.

"Why did you attack me?" Attack?! I never attacked her!- oh. That ... No wonder she was afraid. 

"Primus is that what you thought I was doing?" I ask, me top right servo coming in contact with my forehelm. 

She slowly nods her head, "Well you did kinda come speeding towards me like a predator going for a kill." she states nervously, rubbing the back of her neck.

"My apologies. That snake you were with bit me and it isn't everyday you see a human wrapped in ones coils'." She sits down on the bolder, completely relaxed and a cute curious glint in her small optics.

" As well as those autobots. I have no doubt they told you who I am." I growl, leaning against the bolder my tail wrapping around so that I can pull myself up. No I shouldn't. She's not going to trust me, why did I even think this was a good plan? 

Her small dermas form a nervous yet happy smile as she notices my halted actions. Does she trust me?

No one's pov

You didn't know why, but you felt like he means no harm. Like he wasn't going to hurt you but ... protect you. Even though you knew all of the things the Autobots told you about him are true, you can't help but feel there's more to the four armed war lord than meets the eye. You swore that you saw a type of fire in his eyes, one that burns with a deep desire for something. What? You didn't know. Not to mention his voice! How deep and smooth it is, almost luring you in like a siren's song.

Megatron gazes into your eyes with a warmness that very few if not none had have ever seen before. You made no sudden moves and your body language showed you are calm and curious. He sensed no more fear from you anymore, so he takes a chance. Slowly he pulls himself onto the boulder which is surprisingly bid enough for him to lye on. You never break eye contact, watching each other intensely. Megatron mentally smirks at you. This is going much better than he could ever plan. Not only are you not afraid of him but you aren't pushing him away.

You watch as Megatron rests himself beside you, laying on his stomach and head resting on his two right servos. A strange sense of safety engulfs you. You can't help but smile at the decepticon leader. If he had wanted to hurt you or capture you he would have done it by now, and he seemed less ... evil like this. Still intimidating and well, Megatron with his intense sense of pride but with more emotion other than hate and the rest.

"Was I that terrifying for you little human~" he chuckles jokingly. Not hiding his amusement.

You role your eyes at the playfully smirking snake, releasing your own amused chuckle. "Well you are a few times my size." you state matter of factly, "Not to mention you looked like you were gonna murder someone!" you continue jokingly. But it has some truth in it.

Megatron chuckles deeply at your response, "I do have that effect on beings."

"No kidding." You laugh. You never thought the Megatron could have a sense of humour, mind you no one did. It felt good to get this off your chest. Still how is it that your having a playful conversation with the decepticon war lord. Even though he admitted he was spying on you, which at first it creeped you out a little but now you understand it was just curiosity [*cough* love *cough*]

For the rest of the day you and Megatron talked, mainly about your first introduction and Kaa. you didn't know it but now Megatron hates Kaa even more. You would joke at each other a bit and you once even heard him laugh, not chuckle Laugh. And it caused you to turn 50 shades of red. It was a nice day but if only you knew what Brown was doing.

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