Sleep ... I won't hurt you~

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No ones pov

"Awwww." Arcee coos. She couldn't help it, the little seen was too cute. 

Both Kaa and Sentinel are still arguing, not seeing the 3 wild cats receiving small forms of affection from you and your struggling form. If Kaa saw... you don't want to know.

Sari gently strokes Mia's head (her leaning into the young human's touch happily) while her eyes shine with excitement.

"I can't believe you guys can TALK!" she squeals excitedly. Never in her life could she imagine them actually talking, sure maybe as a daydream or something but not in real life. Animals don't just talk out of nowhere.

Mia chuckles and continues to nuzzle into the child's hand. Purring at the softness of them. You smile and hug Zeus closer, still trying to avoid Aslans' tongue. He knows very well that you don't mind him licking you every now and again but at some times you would just like to be left be. And now is one of those times. But like always he still continues, your reaction was always to tempting to pass by.

"Aslan I swear if you don't stop I'll-"

"You'll what?" he retorts smugly. You huff irritation and continue to struggle. "That's what I thought."

Optimus along with almost every other mech has a slight blue blush at seeing you like this. It was cute the way you struggled in their eyes. One in particular who was watching from afar takes out a camera he had stolen from a human recently and takes a picture. Bumblebee was extremely close to having a nosebleed as well as the jet twins. Jazz and Prowl had a slight blush but are more focused on the way you are trying to not harm the predator but still try to escape him.

Ratchet grumbles and comes towards you two. He gently but sternly lifts the lion off of you with his tail and places him away from you. Hesitantly he pics you up (still holding the small cub who is now laughing at Aslans' pouting face) using his arms. You are at his lower chest about so it looks like he's caring a large doll.

"Thanks." you mumble quietly so only he can hear. He nods and gives a small rare smile, but only you can see it. He guessed it was time for you to meet everyone as you would need to know who they are to feel more comfortable. And he thought it was nice to see Arcee's reaction at the little seen.

Carefully he set you down next to Optimus and says gruffly, "Alright. Time for introductions."

"That includes you Sentinel!" He yells so that the prideful leader can hear him. 

Sentinel snaps his helm in his direction, then gives one last hiss at the boa who smirks in slight victory. 

Longarm comes into all their eyesight. They never noticed him before. "I saw the whole thing. I was just coming back from scouting the perimeter." he states.

You stare at him for a moment. Something about him is off you thought to yourself. Your gut was telling you there was more to this guy that met the eye and your senses tell you to not trust him. You listened to them, they are always right but that doesn't mean you aren't going to at least pretend to trust him. You give a warm smile and wave.

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