Somethings not right

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Your pov

The sun descends over the vast green plane all around me, it's shining rays lighting up the trees in a way that made them glow. Aslan sits on my right hand side and Mia on my left. Both watching the sun with me and leaning their bodys against me slightly. Zeus lies in my lap -sleeping- on his back. 

This is the perfect spot to watch the sunset and look over all the land here. The trees are tall and thick, looking unnaturally large, all close together and in many places blocking out the suns light entirely. Some of the other vegetation I've seen here also look pretty big almost like it was modified to suit a larger animal. But I.m not a specialist on plants or anything so maybe it's just me being paranoid.

Aslan lets out a yawn and lays down next to me, eyes still open and now staring at me. I smile and start to stroke his main, earning him leaning into my hand and purring. Mia lys down as well and my hand on top of her head. She always does get jealous. Giggling a little I start stroking her, getting the same response from her as Aslan. Honestly I sometimes wonder if their really wild cats, they act like kittens with me.

Zeus stirs in his sleep as the suns last rays disappear. letting the stars come out and shine.

"They look like jewels don't they." I say, lying down on my back, legs still crossed so as not to disturb Zeus. As if to rely Mia lets out a louder purr and puts her head on my chest and Aslan lays his on my stomach. Slowly I shift my legs so that thy are strait. Thankfully he stays fast asleep.

"I guess I'm sleeping outside with you guys?" I really don't mind though, I often would be in this exact position back at the shelter with them.

Staring at the sea of stars in the sky I feel myself slowly loosing consciousness. Listening to the sounds of the night I hear wolves howling in the distance, crickets playing their music and the sound of rustling leaves from a nearby tree. I know that I'm safe with Aslan and Mia protecting Zeus and I. 

Bit by bit my eye lids creep down untill I'm pulled into a deep dreamless sleep.

No ones pov

As you slipped into slumber a mass of shining black and yellow scales in the form of a snake tail comes down from a nearby tree. Carefully Bumblebee slithered over to you and the three ferocious cats. He knew they wouldn't attack him...... at least he hoped they wouldn't.

Gently pulling himself on to the large stone slab you are sleeping on he moves closer to your figure. He stares at you sleeping form for a while, smiling like a child the whole time. The lion at your side let out a low growl in his sleep causing Bumblebee to jump back in fear. 

He wanted to watch you sleep longer but he didn't want to become cat chow so he carfully hoisted himself off and started making his way back to his base to talk to his best friend about the cute new human. But little did he know he wasn't the only one watching you sleeping soundly. Someone who he knew and fought was still watching you, interested in you and watching with hungry eyes.

??????? pov

I was patrolling at our border when I saw one of those human transport things. Usually Brown never came near either of the factions, the only humans in this whole jungle are that scientist and his daughter and they are both protected by Optimus and his team. Especially the girl with her magical necklace. Why did the allspark give a human child such a power and yet I am given nothing. It makes no sense.

But as I watched longer I saw 6 humans exit it and get bags containing something, but one of them caught my attention. This one was female and had lovely s/c skin, h/l h/c hair and sparkling e/c eyes. She stood out the most among the humans and had a kind of smile that made me feel like she was happy to be here.

But what supprised me even more was when she was attacked by a lion ........... and then started playing with it like they were siblings. I have followed her ever since and now I am even more intrigued. She treats those three animals as equals if not family and they do the same. 

Then that autobot came near her just as she fell into recharge but slithered away like the coward he is when the lion growled in it's sleep.

Leaning my head onto one of my hands I continue to watch the human femme as she sleeps.

She will make a perfect pet~

Optimus' pov

"Rodimus how can you be sure their transporting a bunch of humans here." I ask nervously. He came earlier on and told me about it but how can he be sure.

Rodimus sighs and states: annoyed, "Optimus Redalert and I were both there, we saw the recording and even heard them mention something about keeping them here, even it's against there will!"

This isn't good, and he said there are 6! The decepticons could already be aware their here and start to capture or even kill them! And what are they even doing here, are they more of Browns scientists or whatever here to collect more information on us. What more could he want he's taken so much from us already.

"Hey boss bot you won't believe the what I just saw!" Bumblebee says as he enters our cave with an excited grin

"Bumblebee not now." I say: irritated. I don't have time for his fooling around this is a serious-

"But theres a new human staying with Sari!"

"WHAT!?" Rodimus yells.

"Yeah her names y/n and she is really pretty!"

"Wait you met her!" I can't believe it. 

"Uh no I ...... I kinda just watched her fall asleep and thats it."

"Wait can you please describe her." Rodimus says, coming closer to him.

"Well she had silky h/l h/c hair and sparkling e/c eyes. And her smile makes you feel all warm and happy."

"that sounds like one of them." Rodimus reply's.

"Bumblebee did you find out anything else about her?"

"She has a strong bond to those two lions and tiger. They are actually all sleeping outside together on a rock."

"Maybe thats why shes here?" I say while Rodimus starts pacing up and down the room.

But still just being brought here for a bunch of wild cats? No that can't be the only reason. What is Brown planning?

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