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"You nervous?" Oscar asked me.

"Of course not. Same shit, different year." I answered confidently. He just laughed.

"What? Am I wrong?" I asked.

"No, you're right." Cesar said walking past me.

"Don't snoop on my conversations." I said snatching the banana out of his hand before he took it back. Great. It was the last one and there was basically nothing else in the kitchen to eat.

"Tell your cholo friends to keep their hands off our damn food, I'm hungry and I want a banana." I whined. If anyone else had disrespected Oscar's friends they'd be scared for their live. But I definitely wasn't, oscar wasnt going to do shit about it.

"How about you skip school and I'll let you have my banana." He joked.

"Gross." Cesar said before he left the house. Everytime he made a comment I was more and more interested. I was worrying myself, soon enough I'd be drooling over him. No thank you.


"Give me another." I said holding my hand out.

"You don't need another." Oscar said to me.

"Then neither do you." I said, grabbing the drink from his hand and drinking as much as I possibly could before he would inevitably take it from me, but he didn't. He just watched me. About an hour and three drinks later he spoke up though.

"You might want to slow down." He said. All his little buddies were over and he was still keeping an eye on me.

"Dont fucking tell me what to do." I snapped, grabbing another. He put his hands up in defeat. I left to go to the bathroom, the alcohol had went right through me. When I came back there was no where for me to sit so I did something I probably shouldn't have. I sat on one of the guys laps and looked at oscar happily. Oscar tried not to look bothered, so I went even further. I turned to the guy and started to kiss him and that's when i had crossed the line.

I felt oscar's hand on my shoulder pulling me off the guys lap I just rolled my eyes, but I hadn't expected anything else to happen. It's not like oscar would really just sit there and watch me make out with one of his friends. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me violently to his room. I wont lie to you, that kiss had gotten me a little excited. Not that I was into the guy, not at all. I mean, he wasnt bad looking but he certainly wasnt oscar. Fuck. Why was I thinking like that?!

Oscar shut the door behind us and that's when I felt it. Excitment. Maybe I did want this. Maybe it's what I had wanted the whole time. Maybe I was just as into him as we was into me. Then I said it. I said something so stupid.

"So what are you going to do now? Fuck me? You finally have what you want. You and i are alone, this is the perfect opportunity for you isnt it? Are you going to claim me?" I asked him. I couldnt tell if that's what I wanted or not. Suddenly the idea of kissing him didnt seem so bad. Even the idea of him kissing me all over, me kissing him all over. I was even thinking about him fucking me. Was that what I wanted?

"Of course I'm not going to fuck you. You're fucking wasted. I brought you in here before you could do anything you'd regret, but I have a feeling you've already done that." He said looking straight at me. Then I felt bad. I had done something I regretted. I didnt want to kiss his friend, I wanted to kiss him. So i did. I leaned up and started to kiss him, he kissed me back for like two seconds before pulling away.

"This can't happen." Was what he said. I remember it as if he had tattood those words on my skin. What the fuck did he mean? He had been begging me to fuck since he got home and now he couldnt even kiss me?

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I screamed at him. It was so loud I knew his friends heard. I was sure the whole neighborhood had heard me yell at him.

"You're questioning me becuase I wont fuck you while you're drunk?" He asked annoyed. I knew he was trying to do the right thing but couldnt he see that I finally wanted him? Just becuase i didnt realize that until i was drunk wasnt my fault. And that's all i can remember. The next morning i woke up naked in his bed and he was no where to be found. I looked around his room and felt weird. Was this it? Was I just another bitch he had fucked? I didnt want to be just that but I wasnt sure what I wanted.

I got out of bed and looked for my clothes, but they werent anywhere to be found. At least, they weren't in his room and I wasnt walking around the diaz house butt ass naked, especially not with the santo bitches always around. I sighed and decided that I would just have to wear some of his clothes. I slipped into a grey T- shirt that was way too big on me. Oscar was a whole ass man and I was just a little teenager. After I found some pants to wear I got the fuck out of his room.

"Good morning hermosa." He greeted me when I reached the kitchen. When he saw what I was wearing he laughed.

"Nice outfit."

"Uhh, yeah. About that. Where are my clothes and why was I naked? Did we...?"

"No. You were acting like a crazy hyna. You were all up on me. We went back to the living room and you spilled your drink all over yourself. You took off your clothes in front of everyone before I took you back to my room. I washed your clothes." He answered all of my questions.

"You look cute though, you look like a little cholo, you're just missing the tats." He said, tapping his face tat.

"Oh god, oscar I am so sorry." I apologized.

"So you do know how to say sorry. Damn, I didnt think you could do that, it's fine though, i dont think anyone minded, you put on a good show."


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