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"Tell me the truth. How is he?" I asked. My voice was still shakey.

"He's probably not going to die." Cesar started.

"Probably? That's not a good enough answer Cesar. Is there a chance that he could die?" I asked. I didnt even think I could cry anymore, I had already cried so much.

"You know how life is in a gang. Everytime he goes out theres a huge chance he could die." Was Cesar's answer. That also wasn't good enough for me. He wasn't giving me real answers, he was beating around the bush and I didnt like it.

"If you dont tell me how he is right now I'm going to go see for myself." I said crossing my arms, my lip was quivering and I couldnt help it.

"Don't do that Reyna. It's not good for you to be out there right now." He said, stepping right in front of the door.

"I don't need to be out there? Do you know how much shit I've seen? Why won't anybody let me see him?" I asked. I felt the need to cry but I couldnt, nothing would come out. Cesar came over to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Oscar is tough. I know he can get through this. Let's go to my room so you can get changed." Cesar said while he ran his hands over my back. He was the best friend I could ask for. I just nodded my head and we left the bathroom. Cesar didn't let me see anything, he rushed me into his room as quickly as he could, but I saw the blood on the floor. I tried to calm myself down, telling myself that it was normal for there to be blood on the floor. He had just gotten shot, of course there was going to be blood on the floor.

"Put some clothes on, I'll be back in five minutes with some food, you must be hungry." Cesar said, leaving me to get changed. I threw on a sweatshirt and some shorts and sat down on Cesar's bed. I made myself take deep breaths while I looked out Cesar's window. The sun had been up for a few hours and the world looked peaceful. Cesar came in a few minutes later with some chips and a sandwich.

"Thank you. You'll never understand how much I love you little spooky." I said, taking the plate from him. He sat down next to me and set the chips down in between us.

"Little?" He laughed. "I'm taller and older than you."

"Taller by a few inches and older by two months." I answered, smiling. As happy as I was to just mess around with him again I couldn't get my mind off of Oscar. I looked at the floor and frowned.

"Hey, he's going to make it." Cesar said, picking up on how upset I still was.

"I really hope so, I don't know what I would do without him." I said glumly.

"About that...what's up with you two?" He asked me. I couldnt believe it, but I was really about to tell Cesar everything.

"We're...actually together. At least we were, I'm not so sure anymore." I answered.

"Together?'re fucking?" He asked me.

"Not yet...maybe not ever. We were dating." I was so sad recalling what I had had with him, it was all probably over and I had taken it for granted.

"That's what you guys were hiding?" He asked, I just nodded my head.

"Dont tell anyone please, this has to stay between me and you." I said, instantly worrying that he would tell all of our friends.

"Honestly I thought something was going on, but I thought it was worse than you guys dating." He said.

"You suspected something the whole time?" I asked. I felt like maybe we weren't being careful enough.

"Yeah, but I thought maybe he was taking advantage of you or something. I'm not sure how I feel about you guys dating but its better than what I thought was happenening." He answered.

"I'm in love with him...Oscar means more to me than I could ever explain." I responded, looking at floor.

"That's good, he deserves someone like you in his life. You know he hasn't always had things easy."


After my conversation with Cesar I layed down and passed out. It had been a long ass morning and my body couldn't take it anymore. I woke up again around 5:14 and looked around. It felt like it had been forever since I had slept in Cesar's bed. I got out of bed and walked to the door, Cesar wasn't in the room, meaning he wouldn't be able to stop me from leaving. I quietly opened the door and tip toed out. Cesar and sad eyes were passed out on the couch and I assumed the rest of the gang had gone back to their own houses.

I didn't see Oscar anywhere and that worried me. Most of the blood was cleaned up, but I could still see some of it. What if Oscar had died and they had buried him or something? Maybe that's why he wasn't anywhere to be found. I crept down the hallway to his room so I could sleep in his bed, that's where I felt most comfortable. There was no better place in the world than Oscar Diaz's bed.

"Reyna? Where are you going?" Cesar asked me from the other side of the hallway.

"Oscar's room. I just want to sleep in his bed." I explained. He nodded his head like he understood exactly what I meant.

" careful, okay?" Was all he said to me before turning around and leaving me. I rested my fingertips on the doorknob and braced myself to open the door and go in.


Here you go bitches!!! I hope you're okay with what I do in the next chapter....sorry not sorry(;

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