treinta y cinco

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"What's the point of this?" I asked. Latrelle had his gun shoved into my ribs while he drove. I was now in the passenger seat of his stupid green car and hating every second of it. It hurt. Like I get it, you have a gun, but it would be sick as fuck if you could take it out of my side. "And how can you drive and manage to threaten me at the same time?"

"Shut up." He mumbled, turning the music up so he couldn't hear me talk. If I was being kidnapped I had least wanted to talk. This whole situation wasn't ideal. At first I thought maybe he just wanted to talk, maybe he wanted to know some shit, I dont know. But it was obvious he didn't want to talk, he wouldn't let me talk to him and he hadn't said much. Oh hell no. I thought when I saw where he was pulling in.

"So you're not going to drop me off?" I asked him. He just shook his head no. Great, I would have to walk home, or so I thought. I opened the door and got out, turning to walk home but he grabbed my arm and pulled me in his direction.

"Uhh, I'm good." I said, pulling my arm away from him and trying to leave. What did he think I was trying to do, fuck him? He kidnapped me!

"Nah, that's not how it works." He said, forcefully pulling me inside. Not how what works? Before he was just forcing me to drive around and now he was actually kidnapping me. At least he wasn't holding me at gunpoint anymore, I was sure I had a bruise from where he shoved the gun into my side. Asshole. He shoved me onto the couch and I looked at him confused.

"Stay there." He demanded, obviously being very serious. I rolled my eyes. I knew I had no choice but to stay put, he'd probably just shoot me if I left. He came back a few minutes later with a blunt in his mouth and sat down in front of me.

"You want a drink?" He asked.

"You kidnapped me, and you're asking if I want a drink?!" I asked surprised.

"I wouldn't be a good host if I didn't offer you a drink." He shrugged.

"Yeah," I started. He started to get up but then I continued my sentence. "I want a drink at my house!"

"No can do ma." He replied, sitting down. I crossed my arms angrily.

"What's the point of this? Of me being here? I get it, you hate the Santos, but why do you keep taking it out on me?!" I asked him angrily. He just laughed at me and took a big hit  from the blunt.

"There's a party tonight." Was all he said. I was so confused.

"Okay, and?" I asked. Gangs threw parties all the time, why was this big news to me?

"And you're going to be my date." He laughed, taking another hit and blowing the smoke in my face. I tried to wave the smoke out of my face, but it didn't work. The whole house was full of smoke and smelled like weed.

"I'd rather die." I glared at him.

"Aight." He picked a gun up from the coffee table. "If that's how you wanna do it. We can take you home in a body bag for ya mans."

"Might as well. I'm not going anywhere with you." I held my ground, even though I was scared as fuck. He could shoot me right there, and I knew if he really wanted to he would. He cocked it and pressed it to my forehead.

"That's how you wanna do this?" He asked, getting closer to me. I shook my head no, but didn't say a word. My phone buzzed in the pocket of my jeans. He set the gun down and grabbed my phone checking it. I just looked at him, expecting him to tell me who had texted me.

"It's ya little bitch, Spooky. He wants to know where you are. What's your password?" He asked me. I just shook my head. He picked the gun back up and pressed it against me again. "You sure you don't wanna cooperate? I could blow your pretty little brains out."

"6969." I said, looking down in defeat. What did he want from me? He typed something on my phone, and then slid it into his pocket. I wasnt surprised, I didn't really expect him to give me my phone back.

"Latrelle, hurry up. The sun's ready down." One of his Prophet bitches said.

"Yeah, Latrelle. Hurry up." I said. Maybe that meant hurry up and let me leave.

"Aight. Let's go then." He stood up, looking at me.

"Go where?" I asked, still confused.

"We gotta get shit for the party, and I'm not leaving yo ass here." He said, pulling me off the couch. I rolled my eyes, once again. My eyes would probably fall out from how many times I've rolled them.

"When's this party? I need to mentally prepare myself for this torture." I asked as we walked through the side door. He pulled out my phone and checked the time.

"Two hours." He said, and shoved me into the car. Two other guys from the gang came with. I put my arm on the window and just looked outside. It was already dark as fuck. I wanted to go home, but I didnt fight, I knew he would hurt me. I just kind of went with it, knowing that he would only hurt me if i did something to cause it.


No, I didnt make ANOTHER character get shot(: hope I didnt scare you guys

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