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I considered going back out to the party, but that's not what I wanted to do. I wanted to be with Oscar. I walked out to the front yard and just watched him for a minute. He could make anything look hot. He was cleaning his seats, I assumed Cesar, Monse, Jamal, Oliva and Ruby had gotten eggs on his seats. I also assumed he wasn't too happy about that, his car was like his baby.

"You look cute when you're focused." I said standing behind him. He turned around and smiled.

"Mi amor, I missed you." He said, making sure not to get too close to me in case someone was watching us. I hated having to be so careful.

"Not as much as I missed you. Are you almost done? I want to finish what we started earlier." I asked, leaning against his car.

"Give me a few minutes to work it out. I need to make sure we're alone." He responded. Once again, I hated having to live this way. If we were a real couple we wouldn't have to sneak around. I could sit on his lap, hold his hand, and kiss him. When we wanted to be alone we could just tell people we were going off to fuck. I hated lying, it was always a big pet peeve of mine. At that moment I realized that sometimes people had a reason for lying. I still hated it, but in my situation there was nothing I could do differently, other than be more careful. There was no way that anyone suspected anything yet, but I was sure they would soon. Things would only get harder.

"I'm going to go change, it's getting late and I want to be in something more comfortable." I said, turning to go into the house.

"I'll be in soon." He called, not turning towards me, still focused on the car. I nodded my head, even though he clearly couldn't see. I jumped up the steps to go into the house, my next objective was to find some clothes of mine, which wasn't always the easiest thing considering my clothes were in different areas all over the house, which now included Oscar's room. I walked towards Oscar's room because I was pretty sure I had a pair of sweatpants in his room.

"Why are you going to Oscar's room?" Cesar asked me, scaring the absolute shit out of me.

"Oh, he told me to go grab some money, I'm running to the gas station quickly." I explained. I was getting better and better at lying and I hated it. I just wanted to tell Cesar what was going on. I knew that if Cesar knew I wouldn't have to sneak around as much, at least not in the house. And maybe Cesar could even cover for us.

"Oscar'setting you go to the gas station at this time of night alone?" He asked, clearly not believing a thing I was saying. Oscar wouldn't let me go anywhere alone, but especially not late at night. I was fucked.

"I was going to ask you if you wanted to come with." Or maybe I wasn't totally fucked.

"Yeah, of course." He smiled at me, but there was something off about his smile, like he was testing me.

"Okay, I'll be right back." I said to him, turning to go into Oscar's room. And that's when things got fucked. Cesar followed me into Oscar's room. There was nothing I could do but keep up with the lie. What else was I supposed to do? I knew a few spots that Oscar kept cash in his room, he didn't ever try to hide it from me. Although it would be easy to take some of the money to keep up the lie I would feel bad. I knew Oscar wouldn't mind, he had plenty of money. He could give me 100 dollars and not even notice it was gone. And if I only took a few dollars I could easily pay him back. I walked over to Oscar's dresser and opened the bottom drawer to get some cash. If it was anyone else I wouldn't show them where oscar kept his money, but because it was Cesar I knew it wasn't a big deal. I reached towards the back of the drawer and pushed the gun out of the way, sure enough, the money was under the gun. I grabbed about five dollars and put the rest of the money back and then set the gun back on top.

"That's yours isn't it?" Cesar asked. At first I thought he was talking about the money, which would have been a stupid question, but sadly it wasn't about the money. A pink and blue thong was laying next to his bed. It was mine. I knew Cesar knew they were mine because they had once been on his bedroom floor.

"What are the chances that on of his bitches has the same underwear as me? I'm not the only girl in the world with that underwear." I tried to explain. If I were him I definitely wouldn't believe me. He shut Oscar's bedroom door and that's when I got worried.

"Reyna, you know that if anything is happening you can talk to me about it, right?" He said gently. He looked really concerned, and for a minute I wanted to tell him the truth.

"Cesar.." I began.

"What's going on?" Oscar asked as he opened the door.

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