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"Last day of school Reyna, I know you're excited." Oscar said as we all ate breakfast together. Me, him, and Cesar stood around and ate before Oscar took us to school.

"I'm excited because after today I get to spend more time with your dumbass." I smile at him.

"You two are nauseating." Cesar said, walking to the sink and placing his bowl in it.

"Love isn't nauseating, Cesar, maybe one day you'll feel it." I answered.

"So we're in love?" Oscar asked, smiling down at me. He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Bitch, we've been in love, what're you even talking about." I replied, he just chuckled.


"Hey, I'm going to go switch my information in the office so they sent my shit to your house instead of my mom's house." I said to Cesar after school.

"What are you talking about? My house? That's your house too." He replied. It made me smile, I loved living in the Diaz house, they always made me feel so welcomed.

"Just tell Oscar I'll walk." I said before walking to the office. I knew that it wouldn't be easy for Cesar to convince Oscar to let me walk home, but I hated it when people waited around for me. I wrote down my name and the new contact information and gave it to the secretary. I changed it so that Oscar would now be my emergency contact. I knew that I could count on Oscar more than I could count on my own mother.

Oscar would drop anything to be there for me, my mom couldn't put down drugs for two seconds to realize I haven't been living with her for years. I turned my ass around and left, eager to get home. I already missed Oscar and I had just saw him earlier that morning.

"Reyna?" I heard my name being called. The voice was familiar, but not enough that I recognized it. I was outside the school, about to walk home. I turned around to see my mom.

"Yes?" I asked. I didn't want it to come off rude but it sounded that way. I honestly hadn't spoken to her in about nine months. I was sure she didn't even notice that I was practically moved out at that point. I hadn't slept at her house in about three years and I only went over when I needed something of mine.

"I feel like haven't seen you in forever. I call your name but you never come out of your room." She said. She was clearly on drugs, and probably drunk as well.

"I actually haven't been in my room, I haven't been at the house." I said. I didn't want to ever have this conversation, but I knew one day I would have to.

"Well you never ask me to go out. These streets are not safe I can't have you running around town like this." She threw he hands up. I just rolled my eyes at her. I knew better than anyone that the streets werent safe. My boyfriend had gotten shot right in front of me and I almost lost him forever.

"Your house isn't safe. Do you even know how old I am?" I asked her crossing my arms. I was sure she had no idea how old I was, I was sure she knew nothing about me other than my name.

"You're almost fifteen." She said as if the answer was obvious. I scoffed.

"I'll be seventeen next week. You don't know shit about me." I said, getting really annoyed.

"And what is this about my house not being safe? It has always been safe for you!" She exclaimed, ignoring the fact that she thought I was two years younger than I actually was.

"You've been on drugs since I was five, you've had about a million guys in the house since dad died, don't even get me started about what's safe. Don't act like a parent when you haven't been one my entire life. For God's sake you don't even know my damn age!" I went off. I was pissed.

"I always made sure you were safe. You never got too close to my lifestyle and I made sure of that. And I only forgot your age because it feels like I gave birth to you just yesterday. I cant fathom the fact that you're almost seventeen. Do not ever disrespect me again!" She rested her hand on her hip. She really said all that. I couldn't believe she was saying all this shit.

"I wasn't always safe. You tried to sell me for coke when I was seven. One of your 'friends' tried to touch me when I was eleven and I had to bite him to get him off of me. Do you know where I went that night? Of course you don't, you didn't care enough. You had to take me to the hospital when I was nine becuase I got into your needles! Oh wait, you didn't take me to the hospital grandma did. You were way too busy doing drugs to give a fuck about me!" I was really mad. How could she act like everything was fine when she put me through so much? I had to grow up at an extremely young age becuase of her and she had the nerve to pretend that she was always a good mom. She was still fucked up!!

"I wanted to find you today becuase I just found out I'm pregnant." She said. I was pissed. I was about to really go off on her when Oscar pulled up next to us. I turned to get in the car when she wanted to play the role of a mother again.

"And who is this man that is picking you up right now?" She asked, crossing her arms.

"That man is my boyfriend. But you wouldn't know because you're not in my life. You don't know shit because you havent been there for me." I said angrily and got into Oscar's car.


What'd I say?! DRAMA !!!! I'm sure you guys prefer this over Oscar getting shot though👀

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