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"Stop moving!" I giggled.

"Nah. You're tickling me on purpose." Oscar said. I just laughed at him.

"The less you move the faster I'll be done." I said looking at him before I continued. I pulled the rest of the wrap off of his torso and looked at his injury. I had never been the one to change his bandages, he didn't want me to see how fucked up the bullet hole looked. He was finally letting me take it off, he was healed enough to the point where he didn't need to be wrapped anymore and I wanted to be the one to take it off. The problem? I had no experience so I was 'tickling' him.

It looked really good, there was definitely going to be a scar there for the rest of his life, but he was doing amazing. He was able to lift weights, drive, hug me, and do basically everything else he did before he got shot. Sometimes it still hurt him, but he was strong.

"I know this doesn't mean shit to you, but I'm proud of you." I said running my fingers up and down his stomach lightly.

"It means the world to me." He replied and pulled me in for a kiss.

"I'm glad you're better." I said, still looking at his scar. It was the first time I had ever actually seen it. He must have known he was healed because before today he wouldn't let me see it.

"Me too, mostly because I can do this again." He said before he hopped off the counter. I was confused before he grabbed my hips, turning us around and lifting me onto the counter. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him, I felt like the happiest, and luckiest girl in the world.

"Remember what I promised you three months ago?" I asked him pressing my forehead to his.

"How could I forget." He smiled. I rested my hands on his shoulders.

"I'm ready, and I think you are too. If you're up to it I think we should take advantage of the fact that we have the house to ourselves." I said and then kissed him quickly.

"I like the way you think. And you're sure you're ready?" He asked me, still making sure he wasn't rushing anything. I nodded my head. Honestly I had been ready since the day we started dating, but I understood why we were taking things so slow.

"And you're ready?" I asked him, not wanting to push him too hard right away. He had been working out and making runs for the gang but I was still worried his body wasn't ready for some things.

"Like I said before, we could've been doing this from day one." He reassured me. Sometimes I thought he thought he was tougher than he was. Oscar was the toughest person I knew, but his body wouldn't have been ready the way he wanted it to be. Luckily for him his body probably was ready. I hopped off the counter and grabbed his hand, leading him to his room. I mean, at that point it was basically my room as well. I shut the door behind us forgetting to lock it.

We started to kiss, like really kiss. I fell onto the bed and he hovered over me, kissing me all over. He pulled my tank top off and I felt goosebumps all over my body. It finally felt like things were back to normal, and I couldn't be happier about that. He unclipped my bra and licked his lips, I giggled, I missed these moments more than I could describe to you. He went back to kissing me and while he kissed me he pulled my shorts down. I instantly got excited, I didn't know how far we were going to go but anything made me happy.

We were interrupted quickly after by a knock on Oscar's door. He looked annoyed. I quickly got under the covers because I knew I couldn't change quick enough. Oscar stepped out and talked to whoever it was that had interrupted us. When he came back he seemed stressed.

"Is everything okay?" I asked him, getting worried. I didn't want him putting himself in stressful situations, especially after he had just gotten healed. I wouldn't feel comfortable with him back in the streets for a while, but there would never be anything I could do about it. He loved me, but I knew he could never leave the streets, that had always been his life and I couldn't expect him to change for me. It's not that I wanted him to change for me either though, I understood why he lived his life the way he did, it was just who he was.

"Yeah, don't worry about it." He sighed. He was already stressing out. Of course I would worry about it.

"Okay, but whatever you're about to do, please be careful." I let the covers drop, exposing my chest. It was just him and I, I didn't need to cover myself anymore and maybe I could tempt him into staying.

"I'll be extra careful just for you, mi amor." He came over to me and gave me a kiss.

"I mean it. I can't live without you Oscar. Te amo más de lo que he amado en mi vida. eres mía, te guste o no hasta el día de tu muerte." I said, getting a little emotional. [i love you more than i have ever loved anything in my life. you are mine whether you like it or not until the day you die]

"yo te quiero más." He responded and I smiled. [I love you more] I knew eventually I would have to let him go off and live his life normally, but it scared the fuck out of me. I meant it when I said I can't lose him, I didn't know what I would do without him.


Okay guys this chapter was a good one:) yw (I love writing these where nothing goes wrong lol) but in the next chapter there will be some drama drama. Don't worry, I wont kill off Oscar but other shit will definitely go down:) also I'm planning on continuing this book for a while so dont worry about that either

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